
http://pythonsweetness.tumblr.com/post/169217189597/quiet-in-the-peanut-gallery has been talking about…

Holy Fuck, that bug is toxic. Shared on Google+ by Kristian Köhntopp: http://pythonsweetness.tumblr.com/post/169217189597/quiet-in-the-peanut-gallery has been talking about an upcoming Intel Kernel vulnerability. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ expands on this, and links to https://cyber.wtf/2017/07/28/negative-result-reading-kernel-memory-from-user-mode/ That article discussses a hypothetical instruction sequence such as 1. Mov rax, [somekerneladdress]2. And rax, 13. Mov rbx,[rax+Someusermodeaddress] Instruction 1 tries to read some kernel […]


Holy performance-breaking CPU design fuckup, batman!

Holy performance-breaking CPU design fuckup, batman! ‘Kernel memory leaking’ Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign Other OSes will need an update, performance hits loom (View on Google+)


Silly me gave away the win in 13 Days by triggering Nuklear War as the USSR. Didn’t see the trap of losing dominance on TV and so unable to whitewash my military dominance when the last round military agenda triggered – which I myself actually chosen! Oh my. Luckily I am not a head of state. A really great and tight design, that I really enjoy.

Warum ich nie Staatschef werden sollte: versehentlich bei 13 Tage den Atomkrieg ausgelöst. Oops. 😆 Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Silly me gave away the win in 13 Days by triggering Nuklear War as the USSR. Didn't see the trap of losing dominance on TV and so unable to whitewash my military dominance when […]


Silly me gave away the win in 13 Days by triggering Nuklear War as the USSR. Didn’t see the trap of losing dominance on TV and so unable to whitewash my military dominance when the last round military agenda triggered – which I myself actually chosen! Oh my. Luckily I am not a head of state. A really great and tight design, that I really enjoy.

Silly me gave away the win in 13 Days by triggering Nuklear War as the USSR. Didn't see the trap of losing dominance on TV and so unable to whitewash my military dominance when the last round military agenda triggered – which I myself actually chosen! Oh my. Luckily I am not a head of […]


It is a holiday, the wife is working (nurse at a retirement home) and I am alone at home. What better time to start a revolution at Cuba? I played Castro and the Directorio against the government and syndicate bots. Castro went in first, barely reaching his win con (well, at 17 he even had one point more as needed). Second the syndicate bit with just one open casino missing (and only due to one of his cash tokens being in a place with stacking

Endlich Mal wieder Cuba Libre gespielt (Castro und Directorio gegen zwei Bots). Und sogar Mal gewonnen, was nicht so oft passiert. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: It is a holiday, the wife is working (nurse at a retirement home) and I am alone at home. What better time to start a revolution at Cuba? […]


It is a holiday, the wife is working (nurse at a retirement home) and I am alone at home. What better time to start a revolution at Cuba? I played Castro and the Directorio against the government and syndicate bots. Castro went in first, barely reaching his win con (well, at 17 he even had one point more as needed). Second the syndicate bit with just one open casino missing (and only due to one of his cash tokens being in a place with stacking

It is a holiday, the wife is working (nurse at a retirement home) and I am alone at home. What better time to start a revolution at Cuba? I played Castro and the Directorio against the government and syndicate bots. Castro went in first, barely reaching his win con (well, at 17 he even had […]


It’s that time of the year again, isn’t it? Oh well, Happy Bah-Humbug to you all, then.

It's that time of the year again, isn't it? Oh well, Happy Bah-Humbug to you all, then. (View on Google+)



Bei dem miesen Wetter da draussen Mal wieder Hoplomachus gespielt und kurzen Prozess mit dem Titan gemacht. Ging erstaunlich glatt diesmal, vermutlich weil ich ihn falsch gespielt hab 😉 – egal, ich nenne dann einfach unentschieden. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Some more action with Hoplomachus, again against Menoetius. This time a solid victory, […]



Some more action with Hoplomachus, again against Menoetius. This time a solid victory, as I got him locked up while my fast tacticians activated all shards, so I finally could beat him up. My archer and my attacker did good work finally activating my champion that joined the fight and made short work of the […]



Erstes spielen von Zulus on the Ramparts. Schön politisch inkorrekt aus heutiger Perspektive, aber spannendes solo-Spiel. Und die Zulus haben immerhin einen minor victory davongetragen – blöd daran nur, dass der Spieler die Briten spielt 😉 Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Zulus on the Ramparts is a fun little tower defense game with historical […]



Zulus on the Ramparts is a fun little tower defense game with historical flavor. Won this one, although with 30 points it will be remembered as a minor Zulu victory, since I didn't get the Zulus off the board. One more tribe and it would have been viewed more positively. Oh well, next fight will […]


Our first play of Viticulture was not successful for Juliana – my tour for the meeting of elementary school teachers for me the last 2 needed VP to end and win the game, one year before she could have caught up and maybe even won. Interesting how different strategies actually play out, mine was cheap wine, natural aging and visitors, hers was more quality wine.

Unser erstes Spiel von Viticulture. Interessantes Worker placement mit sehr variablen Strategien und genau der richtigen Portion Glück, um es nicht zu mechanisch zu machen. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Our first play of Viticulture was not successful for Juliana – my tour for the meeting of elementary school teachers for me the last […]


Our first play of Viticulture was not successful for Juliana – my tour for the meeting of elementary school teachers for me the last 2 needed VP to end and win the game, one year before she could have caught up and maybe even won. Interesting how different strategies actually play out, mine was cheap wine, natural aging and visitors, hers was more quality wine.

Our first play of Viticulture was not successful for Juliana – my tour for the meeting of elementary school teachers for me the last 2 needed VP to end and win the game, one year before she could have caught up and maybe even won. Interesting how different strategies actually play out, mine was cheap […]


Dang, took me 4 tries to solve the Station room 2 in Triplock. So the campaign is a fail (as I can only use – characters and they are all done), but at least I got that room solved. It is a beast with getting points and solving the room, especially if your diagram doesn’t align well with the room pattern. Fun little filler with great components – totally overproduced, but I love it!

Triplock ist ein interessanter Filler mit starkem Memory-Effekt. Also eigentlich nix für mich, aber in dieser Verpackung mit den netten Grafiken und sehr angenehm zu handhabenden Pokerchips macht das echt Laune. Total überproduziert aber wirklich nett für zwischendurch. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Dang, took me 4 tries to solve the Station room 2 […]


Dang, took me 4 tries to solve the Station room 2 in Triplock. So the campaign is a fail (as I can only use – characters and they are all done), but at least I got that room solved. It is a beast with getting points and solving the room, especially if your diagram doesn’t align well with the room pattern. Fun little filler with great components – totally overproduced, but I love it!

Dang, took me 4 tries to solve the Station room 2 in Triplock. So the campaign is a fail (as I can only use – characters and they are all done), but at least I got that room solved. It is a beast with getting points and solving the room, especially if your diagram doesn't […]



Mein zweites Spiel von Churchill. Ich mag das Spiel, auch wenn es Hirnzellen und Zeit frisst. Definitiv eines meiner komplexesten Spiele in meiner Sammlung, aber das historische Thema packt mich jedes Mal. Aber ich brauche da wohl noch einige Spielrunden, um nicht wieder statt der avisierten 90 Minuten des Trainingsszenarios auf 4 Stunden zu kommen […]



My second play of Churchill. I really love the game, but man does it take time. Ok, I had to relearn, as my last play is quite some time in the past, but still – the training scenario took like 4 hours. Fun hours, but wow, this drains me mentally. Great play this time, the […]


In case anyone is wondering if Codenames: Duet can be played with pictures from Codenames: Pictures: yep, works like a charm and we actually enjoy it much more than with words. With words it felt annoyingly difficult, so we tried it with pictures and finally got our first win. For us the pictures are much more open in finding common things, whereas with words we constantly ran into situations with words that we couldn’t get combined in any way.

Codenames: Duett war eines der Mitbringsel von Essen, aber die Wort-Variante hat uns nur frustriert anstatt zu begeistern. Also wird ab jetzt mit den Bildern aus Codenames: Pictures gespielt, das gefällt uns deutlich besser. Und gewonnen haben wir dann auch endlich Mal (nach dem 12. Spiel) Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: In case anyone […]


In case anyone is wondering if Codenames: Duet can be played with pictures from Codenames: Pictures: yep, works like a charm and we actually enjoy it much more than with words. With words it felt annoyingly difficult, so we tried it with pictures and finally got our first win. For us the pictures are much more open in finding common things, whereas with words we constantly ran into situations with words that we couldn’t get combined in any way.

In case anyone is wondering if Codenames: Duet can be played with pictures from Codenames: Pictures: yep, works like a charm and we actually enjoy it much more than with words. With words it felt annoyingly difficult, so we tried it with pictures and finally got our first win. For us the pictures are much […]


It really looks pretty – Azul might be one of the most good-looking games in my collection. Helps that it plays very nice, too. Light, fluffy, tile-drafting and pattern-building game with just enough bite for serious gaming, but easy enough to grasp for pulling in gamers looking for stuff beyond gateways.

Azul – Frisch Von der Messe, erstes Mal gespielt, bin durchaus angetan und hoffe auf mehr. Sieht auf jeden Fall schon Mal hübsch aus – das Auge spielt ja auch mit. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: It really looks pretty – Azul might be one of the most good-looking games in my collection. Helps […]


It really looks pretty – Azul might be one of the most good-looking games in my collection. Helps that it plays very nice, too. Light, fluffy, tile-drafting and pattern-building game with just enough bite for serious gaming, but easy enough to grasp for pulling in gamers looking for stuff beyond gateways.

It really looks pretty – Azul might be one of the most good-looking games in my collection. Helps that it plays very nice, too. Light, fluffy, tile-drafting and pattern-building game with just enough bite for serious gaming, but easy enough to grasp for pulling in gamers looking for stuff beyond gateways. (View on Google+)


Damn, Menoetius really pummeled Geta of Pompeii. Just couldn’t get up to speed quickly enough to make him move around the board and he got a few nasty shard shocks in, no way for me to realistically beat him today. Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome might not hit my table often, but when it does, it always is a fun experience. Definitely among the best solo games I own.

Endlich Mal wieder Hoplomachus gespielt. Hauptproblem ist die grosse Kiste, die man immer gerne irgendwohin weg räumt. Denn das Spiel selber ist immer noch fantastisches für solo spielen – und ich freu mich schon auf Karthago und Machu Pichubals neue Städte Ende des Jahres. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Damn, Menoetius really pummeled Geta […]


Damn, Menoetius really pummeled Geta of Pompeii. Just couldn’t get up to speed quickly enough to make him move around the board and he got a few nasty shard shocks in, no way for me to realistically beat him today. Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome might not hit my table often, but when it does, it always is a fun experience. Definitely among the best solo games I own.

Damn, Menoetius really pummeled Geta of Pompeii. Just couldn't get up to speed quickly enough to make him move around the board and he got a few nasty shard shocks in, no way for me to realistically beat him today. Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome might not hit my table often, but when it does, it […]


First play (left hand Vs right hand) of 13 days, German version. Great tight little game, loved it! Totally looking forward to play this with my wife, very surprising twists in it. Gives me a great CDG feel in a small and quick package without feeling dumbed down at all.

13 Tage ausprobiert – cooles Spiel über den Kuba-Konflikt, klein, stark, schnell – und dazu mit starkem historischen Flair. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: First play (left hand Vs right hand) of 13 days, German version. Great tight little game, loved it! Totally looking forward to play this with my wife, very surprising twists […]


First play (left hand Vs right hand) of 13 days, German version. Great tight little game, loved it! Totally looking forward to play this with my wife, very surprising twists in it. Gives me a great CDG feel in a small and quick package without feeling dumbed down at all.

First play (left hand Vs right hand) of 13 days, German version. Great tight little game, loved it! Totally looking forward to play this with my wife, very surprising twists in it. Gives me a great CDG feel in a small and quick package without feeling dumbed down at all. (View on Google+)


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Scheint als ob Juliana da echt Gefallen an Battle Line gefunden hat – sie spielt es sogar gegen sich selbst, wenn ich Grad keine Zeit habe. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Well, that is something new for me: my wife playing a game left-vs-right hand. I created a monster! (Ok, a cute and fun […]


Well, that is something new for me: my wife playing a game left-vs-right hand. I created a monster! (Ok, a cute and fun one ;) ). Battle Line really grabbed her, the last days were packed with plays of it, up to 11 games some days – and hadn’t I said “no”, probably even more.

Well, that is something new for me: my wife playing a game left-vs-right hand. I created a monster! (Ok, a cute and fun one 😉 ). Battle Line really grabbed her, the last days were packed with plays of it, up to 11 games some days – and hadn't I said “no”, probably even more. […]


Juliana won her first game if Battle Line, the mediaeval retheme by Roland the Illustrator. Great game, might become a regular on our table. We play with 7 hand cards and without tactics cards, because Juliana doesn’t understand English, but the base game itself is already a really fun one. And the retheme version looks really great.

Potentielles neues Favoritenspiel – Battle Line. Im Prinzip der Olle Knizia "Schottentotten" mit anderer Grafik. Immer noch gut, auch ohne die komischen Taktikkarten. Aber warum G+ das mit Schottentitten autokorrigieren wollte … Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Juliana won her first game if Battle Line, the mediaeval retheme by Roland the Illustrator. Great game, […]


Juliana won her first game if Battle Line, the mediaeval retheme by Roland the Illustrator. Great game, might become a regular on our table. We play with 7 hand cards and without tactics cards, because Juliana doesn’t understand English, but the base game itself is already a really fun one. And the retheme version looks really great.

Juliana won her first game of Battle Line, the mediaeval retheme by Roland the Illustrator. Great game, might become a regular on our table. We play with 7 hand cards and without tactics cards, because Juliana doesn't understand English, but the base game itself is already a really fun one. And the retheme version looks […]


Nemo’s War done as explorer with a score of 241. Man, I was feeling so great until I read it was still an inconsequential win. Outch. But fun run, the dice gods were with me this time, as was the card-fairy. Still one of my favorites, even though I don’t get it on the table as much as I would like, due to the play time.

Endlich Mal wieder Nemo's War auf den Tisch bekommen. Wirklich spannendes Solo-Spiel, leider etwas zu lang um es oft zu spielen. Aber immer wieder ein Spaß, wenn die Zeit Mal reicht. Shared on Google+ by Georg Bauer: Nemo's War done as explorer with a score of 241. Man, I was feeling so great until I […]

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