I played a game of Architects of the West Kingdom.
/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?
your comment now makes no sense at all, sorry. You claim your misunderstanding my humor was sarcasm? Because that the original comment was sarcasm is obvious. as should be my comment, but yeahn, as said, about 14 people didn’t get it.
Ah well, Reddit being dumb again, nothing new. /thread
/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?
In the eventuality that the crowd wouldn’t get the reference, I name black lotus with the hope that I happen to find one hiding in there.
I know, reading is hard, but that’s what I referenced. You are not alone, don’t feel bad, 14 downvotes didn’t get it so far 😉
/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?
Finding a Black Lotus with demonic consultation in your EDH deck? I’d say you get into troubles in a tournament for that …
/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?
You would get a DQ, but still be happy – win-win either way.
/u/bboomslang on Alela vs kykar vs jhoira(artifact deck)?
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/kykar-helm/ It is not terrible, but also not oppressive. I would say it can win somewhere around turn 6 or 7 uninterrupted. I mean it needs to get to Godo and get him out and equip Helm, so even the direct Combo win with…
/u/bboomslang on Alela vs kykar vs jhoira(artifact deck)?
I went with Kykar, but went equipment and vehicles. The spirits give me mana to equip stuff or can themselves wear a sword or can crew vehicles to smash in. It is quite fun way to play Kykar. My own list goes a bit combos by including Godo and aurelia …
/u/bboomslang on How many fully constructed decks do you keep?
3 fully built cEDH decks, 5-8 casual ones on different power levels. I have a general battle box of 5 decks ranging from non-combo-nothing-mean Locust God up to stax/combo/storm Jhoira. That gives me a nice selection of decks to play at events I go to….
/u/bboomslang on No-search cEDH
Yeah, I guess every kind of mass draw will be powerful. With Jhoira, some of my Wincons are enchantments that I can‘t reliably Tutor, but I am bound to hit them with her massive draw power in an artifact deck.
/u/bboomslang on Do you guys buy duplicates of your cards that belong to multiple decks or continuously switch them around?
I try to have originals and duplicates in my main battle box (a quiver with 5 ready built decks) that I can carry to an event, but have additional decks built with Proxies of the expensive cards. Still slowly fill those up if the deck is fun to have th…
/u/bboomslang on Do you guys buy duplicates of your cards that belong to multiple decks or continuously switch them around?
It‘s okay, I own 2 Mox Diamonds and 3 Transmute Artifact … (not my fault I am addicted to artifact decks, dammit)
I’m really happy with my mono white deck, even if it’s not gruul
A lot of people chuckle when I pull out my [[djeru, with eyes open]] deck. They make the usual jokes and are initially inclined towards poor threat assessment. Being able to tutor up planeswalkers with my commander has proven incredibly powerful, and t…
/u/bboomslang on Satisfaction with Commanders Quarters decks?
Syr Konrad was it for me, very fun deck concept and very solid in his list. I turned it up for a while now and still play it from time to time. Definitely worth to grab one that gets your attention, as they are really dirt cheap and in my opinion a bet…
/u/bboomslang on Hate in the time of Fish Hulk: A report on my top 4 with Heliod Death and Taxes
Me and my Omen Pool Prison deck (and to some extent my Jhoira Stax/Storm deck, too) are quite happy by players disrespecting hate pieces 😉
/u/bboomslang on Hate in the time of Fish Hulk: A report on my top 4 with Heliod Death and Taxes
Thx for your reply to give some context. The repeated “but it was a no proxy tournament, so it doesn’t count and someones totally unfounded by facts and driven by fear opinion is still holding true despite evidence” got on my nerves.
No, not downtalking Fish Hulk, just saying that first evaluations usually are not what comes out of real world plays, where people do what you did – bring meta decks and answers. Even though a singleton format makes bringing answers a bit of a lucky shot, the event shows that it totally can work out different from some peoples expectations. While this was just one tournament, it at least is a strong indicator for what to expect in other situations, because while “only 60 people is not the whole of cEDH” is true, it’s a damn big tournament by cEDH standards.
The sky is grumbling, adding lightning and thunder for effects, but not (yet?) falling.
/u/bboomslang on ‘State of EDH’ article discussion
Yeah, we had a game yesterday, where first all three of us planned out how to stop me or not stopfe, then after they (correctly, I have to admit) killed me, we all worked together to find out which of the other two decks going off would have the upper …
/u/bboomslang on Bad experience at MF NJ – what should I have done differently?
I had both happen with my Muldrotha deck. It’s fun both ways.
/u/bboomslang on Fun workaround against Pithing Needle….
I totally love that a silver bullet against pithing needle effects comes in a silver border.
/u/bboomslang on Is Discard a viable archetype?
Opus Thief is running Tymna/Kraum and I think the white is quite important, even only light splash. White gives you payoff spells for wheels in Smothering Tithe and Draw hate in Alms Collector, protection in Silence and general Stacy stuff to play in t…