
/u/bboomslang on [JMP] Allosaurus Shepherd

well, it is just an Autumn’s Veil on legs, what could go wrong 😉 (at least they didn’t make it also draw a card and gave it flash)


/u/bboomslang on Budget Rhystic Study?

That too. And [[Turnabout]] can turn into a solid draw spell if you don’t need it’s ritual capability. Or [[Gigadrowse]] still being a nice scaling tap-down-and-draw option. And well, the decision on what to tap for [[tangle wire]] get’s really “fun” with verity circle out 😉


/u/bboomslang on Budget Rhystic Study?

Another nice and budget way to sometimes draw a ton of cards is [[Verity Circle]] – there are lots of situations where creatures want to tap without attacking (just think about the load of mana dorks in many pods) and you drawing off that can really help. It just doesn’t help against that 100-strong goblin army coming at you.



I played a game of Istanbul.


/u/bboomslang on [JMP] Behind the Scenes of Designing Jumpstart

It is more a smashup clone. Where you also mix two decks together to get a ready to play deck.


/u/bboomslang on [JMP] Thriving Lands

A bit fiddly, because you have to note down what choice you made, and in EDH budget decks you might do that 5 times … but still, like them as budget fixing, despite the “comes into play tapped”. I would have loved them to have some kind of clause to come in untapped in specific situations, but well, you can’t have everything. What really is a bummer, though, is that they are not fetchable. Dang. Missed opportunity.


/u/bboomslang on Which mtg formats do you find fun?

Modern was my poison of choice online for a little while, but since I prefer paper magic a lot, I then went with Pauper with a coworker. After a while we went into 1v1 Commander and from there got a full-on Commander pod going, tending towards higher p…


/u/bboomslang on Which mtg formats do you find fun?

Pauper was my main format for a long time, until we got a commander group organized. It is really a fun format, but towards the end I was really longing for higher power cards, especially after they killed blue power cards. Gush was badass and gave Pau…


/u/bboomslang on I got super lucky and pulled a Nicol Bolas flip planeswalker out of a hhgff! What should I do for a commander deck for him?

I have a non-budget Nicky B, but the main focus is getting Blink effects – [[ghostly flicker]], [[displace]], [[Illusionist’s stratagem]] all allow flickering him in creature form, having [[archaeomancer]], [[mnemonic wall]] or [[izzet chronomancer]] o…


/u/bboomslang on Goblins! Who is the commander of choice to be competitive now?

I scanned and nobody mentioned [[Grumgully]] yet. It is a great commander for combo goblins, enabling his own persist combo and just being a good lad for other goblin strategies. That freshly spoiled [[conspicious snoop]] goes right in. My current list…



I played a game of Azul.


/u/bboomslang on It is deeply troubling that a CAG member did not know how the command zone replacement effect worked

The job of the CAG is to give the RC insights on the reactions out in the field. The RC don’t need the CAG to teach them rules, they are all deep-rules-knowledged people. What they were lacking was wider spread connections to the community, and that’s what that specific CAG member provided: most of the community probably didn’t know it either.

The more irritating thing is that the rules got more complicated by the change. I would have preferred to take a “the rules stay, we clarify” stance instead. The new wording just treats the “if it changes zones, decide to move it to the command zone instead” beauty in a two paragraph monster, that treats target zones differently. Not a fain.

I understand WHY they made the change, but to me personally those few commanders just aren’t worth the clunky rules change. But then, I am not playing any of those commanders …


/u/bboomslang on Can anyone suggest a more colorful commander for my overly complicated artifacts deck?

Zirda the Dawnwaker can totally work, white gives some nice artifact synergies. Or Saheeli the gifted for the blue splash and some artifact synergies of her own – she shouldn‘t have a too bad reputation either. Kykar can work nicely, too, as you get Sp…



I played a game of Azul.


/u/bboomslang on When Did The RC Ban Sideboards?

It always was optional. Using archive.org to go to the history of the rules, if you click the following url, you see the "optional" part where you can go to "sideboard". When going to 2016, you see it renamed from "optional&quo…


What’s the best creature deck in cEDH? -Play to win gameplay

This week we’re trying to find which deck packs the strongest punch on the ground. Momir Vig – An elf ball list looking to hack momir vig, to break the game in half – https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/primer-momir-vig-hackball/ Chulane – Leaning on a fe…


/u/bboomslang on LED

Underworld Breach gave it its second combo, and that one is strong, as two cards already are staples – wheels and breach itself. It goes well with wheels already, but now can form a really solid way to go deep into your deck, so I see it show up in mor…


/u/bboomslang on Is Kozilek the great distortion competitive?

It mostly is the lack of colors, as there is not really a good colorless 99 to base the deck on. Far too less ways to handle the board or break parity on Stax elements (most of them being in some way colored). A colorless shell is neither here nor ther…


/u/bboomslang on Gadget Hackwrench, Lord High Artificer

I actually quite like it – it gives a frame (pun intended) of reference for card altering when you want to play non-magic IP related alters. People like their weird alters, especially in EDH, even building theme decks of outside IP. Now there is a clea…


[2XM] Mana Crypt

submitted by /u/Inuyashaninja to r/magicTCG [link] [comments]


/u/bboomslang on Is it rude to ask if the other player wins during a long turn combo? Is it rude to scoop and just let them win?

Yeah, it is my „I just had a lobotomy, let’s play some magic“ deck, because the only setup it needs is Grenzo at power 3, then flip cards. Get enough flips and chances are you have a win sooner or later. It really is the deck that wins out of nowhere, …



I played a game of Istanbul.


/u/bboomslang on Do you guys have also have casual decks?

I still have casual-ish decks and even a slightly improved precon for super-casual days, just because I prefer to play than not play, even when people are only in a casual mood. I prefer competetive or at least high power, but well, if people want to go battle-cruiser, that’s ok, too.


/u/bboomslang on Are cards more expensive in Europe?

Exactly. Expensive cards are cheaper in Europe than the US, but cheap cards – at least those at the bottom of cheap – are more "expensive". Not much penny stock for example when I limit my search to EU or German traders.



I played a game of Istanbul.


/u/bboomslang on Alela Consultation

It’s more like Moxfield is dead … (main page doesn’t work either)



Cameron is back! We decided to set up a four player game today battling some old power against some new power. There’s a lot of triggers, and a lot of misplays, so buckle up.

Najeela – Tried and true, this tempo deck is known for presenting quick wins with lots of interaction https://www.moxfield.com/decks/FziktXhdT0yOhbQdnIuQ6w

Thrasios//Akiri – The new top dog in town?https://www.moxfield.com/decks/1mJWLMKa00evvnAAXecRMw

Zirda – Does boros finally have a competitive commander ? https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5wUq0Kr1Nk6z8tRgBVBzQA

Rielle – (Big shout out to the rielle discord for help on this list ) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/SkQD09FDTU2QljE_ZXeGnA

the video

submitted by /u/dylan414 to r/CompetitiveEDH
[link] [comments]


/u/bboomslang on Sudden Substition: Budget EDH Replacements for Copy Artifact

I kinda disagree. The thing that people in discussions always focus on is that it COPIES AN ARTIFACT for cmc 2, whereas they should more concentrate on it copies an artifact FOR CMC 2 😉

The big thing is that it comes down T2 and copies a sol ring or mana crypt, and can be used right away. It is the best mana rock on the table, wether it was you or someone else who played it. The bigger ones – well, a sol ring for cmc 3 just doesn’t sound that exciting anymore, right?

I agree with most of the choices being good cards – Mirrormade also copying enchantments, Phyrexian Metamorph aso copying creaturs, but I disagree with Mechanized Production, that thing is just jank. Fun jank, but still jank 😉 – and all of them only replicate the actual function, when much more often what you are interested in is the speed.

The classic shell you want copy artifact in is anything building around the Isochron Scepter / Dramatic Reversal combo, because you can get a hard win out of that – the second scepter imprinting swansong and you going infinit swans – and if you draw copy artifact without scepter, it still is a solid mana rock most of the time. You rarely are happy about Mirrormade in your opening hand. Metamorph is a bit better due to it’s much nicer color requirments (which is none if you have the life to spare which you do have at the start of the game), but still, a hand with a mana rock and copy artifact is oftentimes keepable, whereas the same hand with Metamorph oftentimes isn’t.

I guess I outed myself a bit as a spike by now 😉 – but the gist of it: don’t replace expensive cards with something cheaper in money but higher in cmc with a similar effect, replace it with the next best card to play. In the case of Copy Artifact, you might just be better off playing another cmc 2 mana rock instead of going for a higher cmc copy artifact effect.


/u/bboomslang on Emry for a more casual meta

One thing to do with Emry is to go for the obvious synergies (eggs and baubles) to have a solid draw engine and replay artifacts over and over again – and then go for token producers on artifact cast ([[efficient construction]], [[sai, master thopterist]], [[mirrodin besieged]]) and combine that with [[intruder alarm]] and [[steel overseer]]. You still get to go infinite from time to time, because Emry untaps, too, but if you skip the cost reducers and focus on cmc 1+ baubles and eggs, you only get value that way – casting a [[chromatic sphere]] 5 times a turn with emry and intruder alarm and a token producer out is just value, and it’s a bit janky, so people shouldn’t get too upset. And with overseer out your thoper and myr get big quite fast. Throw in [[dragon throne of tarkier]] and [[master of etherium]] as another way to pump up your token creatures and you can go hame quite reliably.

The nice thing: your deck can rebuild quite easily, because you have tons of cheap artifacts to play and use to replay Emry should she be killed. And you can go crazy quickly if you have haste enablers like equipments or [[thousand year elixier]] available. Your turns won’t be directly turned into infinite “draw your whole deck and win with Thassa” but instead you will draw big chunks over and over again, replay eggs and pump your board and kill with damage.

You will horribly lose your presence to any broad artifact board wipe ([[vandalblast]]), but you will rebuild over and over again. And you still can throw in value pieces alike [[Mystic Forge]] or [[Future Sight]] to raise chances you can really go off in your value turns.

And well, if you notice you need more focus, you can go quite reliably into tutoring, as most of your stuff is artifacts and the non-artifacts can be tutored with transmute cards.

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