Last Goblin standing!
Category: Syndicated
/u/bboomslang on 100% Troll no card is the same U/B Teachings
And I thought my all-art-styles Tron deck was evil …
/u/bboomslang on What’s the deck you bring out to “send a message.”
When my normal decks get stomped too often, I pull out what I lovingly call my bullshit deck – a budget Paradox Arcum deck. Arcum is just a damn consistent combo machine, even in a sub-200 € list. And well, I like to play combo and win turn 3/4 sometim…
/u/bboomslang on What’s your favorite storm commander?
This! [[Jhoria, Weatherlight Captain]] is a funtastic artifact storm commander, either in the eggs all-in storm-combo variant or in a heavy-on-stax controllish storm variant. I personally prefer the latter one, as it is super resilient and it’s just fun to throw down stax pieces and have them cantrip. And her loops are very fun to run through, too. [[Paradoxical Outcome]] being an MVC in the list with picking up all your rocks and replaying for value. And with artifact storm you don’t miss too much from black, as most of the good artifact tutors are all in blue anyway.
/u/bboomslang on What to do when my playgroup casually brushes off the Commander banlist?
In that case of making play miserable: Leovold?
/u/bboomslang on Results of Day 1 of the /r/CompetitiveEDH online tournament
Now that Sai has me interested. I tried to make a solid Saheeli a bi, but usually end up where I just use a different commander (Arcum for combo, Jhoira for storm for example). Will be interesting to see the list.
/u/bboomslang on Urzagatherer is now available for free on web and mobile
Ok, giving it another try then!
/u/bboomslang on Urzagatherer is now available for free on web and mobile
Sorry, mate, but your app requests full access to my one drive, and that’s just not happening. Better to go for Dropbox that allows selective access rights, so an app doesn’t need to request such broad permissions.
/u/bboomslang on What is the primary appeal of EDH for you?
So, my Paradox Arcum list is below 200€ and can easily stick with a competitive table. Sure, some high price cards are not in there, but that doesn‘t reduce its win rate to below 10%. Some decks need the super expensive rocks to get a shot at winning (…
/u/bboomslang on What is the one MTG related purchase you’ve always wanted to make, but could never quite justify?
A Timetwister for my Jhoira cEDH deck. It would be fantastic, but 1800€ is just too much.
/u/bboomslang on Is your Commander’s main ability really as good as you think it is?
The point is that Thrasios is not just "relatively good". Thrasios is amongst the top tier of cEDH competitive commanders. If your scale puts commanders like that in the bottom rung of whatever scale you apply and puts casual stuff several ru…
/u/bboomslang on Does anyone know why amazon isn’t stocking the MTG guild kits individually for ravnica allegiance and only as a bundle but they did both for guilds of ravnica?
It’s worse at there are only offers for “random guild kit one of five” – so you don’t even get a guarantee to get what you actually want.
/u/bboomslang on Leovold’s banning
This here. The RC doesn’t ban for cEDH powerlevel issues, it bans for casual play. And he is a really unfun commander, when he is played with wheel effects. Sure, he can be interacted with, but that’s the whole thing: the RC looks at how fun an environment is, or how unfun it can get, when casual decks clash. Same reason why they unbanned Protean Hulk: it’s a fun card actually in casual, and can be handled quite good there, it just turns into a combo beast if you explicitely go for the combos he enables.
/u/bboomslang on Is there any chance there will be another artifacts heavy set?
Well, at least with cEDH, Kaladesh went completely nuklear. Panharmonicon being the most harmelss in being a central piece of Brago Blink strategies. The Reservoir is the Storm Wincon of choice, Paradox Engine is in many Combo Decks the prime enabler a…
/u/bboomslang on NOOO
well, there are some, like [[Counterflux]], when you really want to drive home the point.
/u/bboomslang on Pauper vs Modern Deck
I think modern decks are just plain too fast. The fastest Pauper decks probably are mono colored due to the rather slow mana base in Pauper, and I guess something like Mono Blue Delver would be a strong contender. But when you go to “fast”, Modern is a whole new book to open with access to super fast mana in the way of [[Mox Opal]] or solid cheat-ins in the way of [[Aether Vial]]. And due to stuff like that, Modern employs tons of solid hate pieces that Pauper decks probably just can’t answer. I mean, how would Delver (my candidate for most efficient use of mana in Pauper) answer a chalice on 1 or 2?
Modern just is so super efficient in it’s use of available small amounts of mana, that I don’t really see a competition here, as much as I love Pauper.
/u/bboomslang on Jalira Intruder Alarm
[[Drift of Phantasm]] can transmute into Intruder Alarm just fine, so it’s a second way to get at your main combo piece. It’s always worth to go the transmute route in mono blue, since we have only so few tutor effects. So I would maybe add [[Muddle the Mixture]] also, because that one finds you Thornbite Staff. Actually Thornbite Staff might be the better option over Intruder Alarm anyway, because more tutor lines to it with [[Fabricate]], [[Reshape]] and [[Whir of Invention]]. Since you sac creatures during polymorphing, Jalira untaps just fine with it. But if you don’t want to overload your deck, but only slightly rise the chances, the Drift and Muddle might just cut it – both have solid application outside the transmuting, too, as blocker or counter spell.
/u/bboomslang on Game Knights #23 l New Ravnica Allegiance Commanders l Magic: the Gathering EDH Gameplay
Well, yeah, it took a turn one land tax for him not to get Mana screwed, so that is kinda taking extreme measures
/u/bboomslang on Game Knights #23 l New Ravnica Allegiance Commanders l Magic: the Gathering EDH Gameplay
I think the real reason is that pod lines for her have to include untappers to keep her going to her Wincons, with those being rather bad as standalone cards. Pod lines are quite a lot of cards that are at best mediocre. If you are green and blue, you …
/u/bboomslang on Casual EDH player tired of players misrepresenting their power levels
while Godo might be cheaper than others due to not needing a complex land base, I think it still isn’t really cheap. It needs all the expensive mana stuff and maybe even more than others (city of traitors for example). You need to get to 11 mana very fast. And even fetches can get interesting if you run scroll rack as another digging device to find more mana rocks. And it is a hail-mary suicide combo deck. You win or fail, and with the low amount of interaction you have, you probably fail more than win.
CVT (Chain Veil Teferi) can be built for around 1K€ and is much more solid and reliable. Grenzo Doomsday and Jhoira Storm both are around the same value. Ysan as far as I remember is quite a bit cheaper, though, so that definitely is a good budget option.
/u/bboomslang on How much do your decks cost?
My competetive decks sit around 1K-EUR, mainly due to some obnoxious expensive stuff from the reserved list (original duals even in revised are a pain, and Transmute Artifact went quite high, too, as well as the fast mana needed for cEDH higher levels. Casual stuff can easily hit 200-300 EUR. But I can grab stuff from a quite large collection of EDH staples and throwing in a Mox Opal and an Mana Crypt gets the value up to 200 EUR easily on it’s own. So if it is multi-color, I usually end up in the 500 EUR range just because I can build almost any mana base with full support of fetches and shocks and have all the good fast mana in it, too.
/u/bboomslang on [The Spike Feeders] S2E2 – Electric Budgetbrewgaloo | $75 Budget cEDH
Wow, guys, great game play and great decks – really enjoyed seeing Jhoira take the win, as that is my own favorite (although mine isn‘t budget at all, went full-on indulgence mode on mine ). Was great fun to watch.
/u/bboomslang on Many of the split cards in Ravnica Allegiance were developed with best of one in mind
Yeah, and I really like it for singleton formats, too. EDH often is played without sideboards, too, so having cards with more options and wider appeal in different matchups is really a benefit. The slightly worse costs can often be accomodated in those…
/u/bboomslang on New EDH player in Münster
Oh, we do. Mostly we play pauper, but also EDH – mostly in a 1v1 setting for obvious reasons ;). So setting something up in one of the many pubs should be doable.
/u/bboomslang on New EDH player in Münster
Well, no playgroup, only me and a colleague slinging some cards every now and then. And there is Comic Planet at Warendorfer Straße 44 that Runs FNM and other events and some EDH happens there. But mostly they are an already established group and so a …
/u/bboomslang on Building a Deck using 1 BANNED card
I probably would throw time vault into my chain veil Teferi.
/u/bboomslang on Any ideas for artifact recursion?
No, just totally forgot I was in Tiny Leader for a moment. Oops. But yeah, Trash for Treasures is a good one-of effect, too, although I prefer repeatable effects or broader effects. So I probably would stick to the recursion creatures, maybe adding [[J…
/u/bboomslang on Any ideas for artifact recursion?
You also have [[goblin welder]] on-theme. And [[slobad, goblin tinkerer]] allows you to choose what equipment to destroy instead – or keep half of your weapons on mass wipe. And [[scrap trawler]] might not be fully on theme, but helps you get stuff bac…