
Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Suggestions for solo customizable game

by TheGargoyle
oduh wrote:Shadowrun: Crossfire or Dragonfireas much as I love SR:CF, there is no pre-game building at all. There is a little customization over time with the stickers, but that is far from what OP talks about. No idea if that changed…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Suggestions for solo customizable game

by TheGargoyle
For me the following games provide that pre-building itch-scratching:- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game provides hours and hours of deck building and then running that deck against different scenarios to see how it works out. This…


/u/bboomslang on What have been your "walking out of the theater" moments in board gaming?

Sword&Sorcery. Too much fiddly stuff going on for group play for me – I am usually the game teacher and this started early to turn into my wife pestering me with questions about stuff not yet described. Even my usual “let’s have a test round or two and I describe while stuff happens” didn’t work, as too much is connected with other stuff. Game!e works great solo and probably also when players familiarise with the rules up front, but that never happens at our game nights, so this will go into the solo-only pile. A bit sad, because I can see the good game beneath the pile of stuff, but well, it is as it is. Too many good and great games that work with my groups much better.


Reply: Codenames Duet:: General:: Re: Codenames Duet: Pictures?

by TheGargoyle
Well, my wife and I love Codenames: Pictures and never played the word version. So we went into Duett and felt it annoyingly difficult – then also switched to pictures instead of words, but full rukes of Duett and that combination fee…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Is Airborne in My Pocket or Airborne Commander for me??

by TheGargoyle
Airborne Commander is fun for a while, but replayability is only so-so with it – it is kinda a one-trick-pony where games feel quite similar, only differing by you getting screwed by the random market. You want to have more or less th…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: October shopping

by TheGargoyle
My Spiel 2017 haul is Azul (loved my first play and it just looks so damn good!), Codenames Duet (wife loves it, played 6 times yesterday), Wir sind das Volk!: 2+2 (will have to wait for our semi-regular game group), and Konja (Kickst…


/u/bboomslang on The Ethical Compromises of Paid Reviews

Does he do unpaid reviews?


Reply: Too Many Bones:: General:: Re: CTG Addressing EU and World Fulfillment

by TheGargoyle
we are talking about GQ here. Of course it can be canceled and sent at the same time. If someone would achieve this, definitely GQ would be at the front of the list 😉


/u/bboomslang on Kickstarter Roundup: Oct 22, 2017 | 20 Ending Soon (incl: Resident Evil 2, Numenera 2, & ELO Darkness) & 52 New This Week (incl: Too Many Bones: Undertow, Downfall, & Legends of Sleepy Hollow)

In for that one, too, even though it actually isn’t that much value – went in for the 100$ level, as that seems to have the best bang for bucks. The good thing with CTG is that there is no FOMO, because everything will be available later on. It’s mainly about being the first to own it 😉


/u/bboomslang on The 7th Continent Kickstarter has concluded as the 3rd most funded KS game of all time at over $7 million

I did back, but only for the expansion and the comfort creatures, since I already have base game from last KS. It is a fun game in its way, but be warned that it really is different I structure from other games, more akin to choose your adventure books. I myself only got into the curses as expansions, because they add replays, whereas weather and the other stuff enhances replays – and I don’t see myself doing lots of replays with this, more like going through all curses once and the maybe revisiting a few years down time, just as with those books. No point for me to add stuff that just changes how a curse plays during play if I don’t expect to do that replay. Comfort creatures just sounded too cute to skip, since I play solo with one character I thought having a companion for future curses might be worth it 😉


/u/bboomslang on What’s the newest mechanic?

Yeah, that was really something new that I haven’t seen before. And it works astonishingly well in that game.


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week, Redux: Concordia

I love to play it and I love to bring ut to our game meet, but sadly it usually crashes the 2 hour limit, which is why I don’t get it to the table that often. I love the way you build your end game scoring up by buying cards and at the same time use those cards to get to place houses where they help you score. It is nicely interwoven during play. It jusr feels great to play, because you allways can do something, but of course you try to do it optimally.


Reply: Apocrypha Adventure Card Game:: General:: Re: This game…

by TheGargoyle
That is the thing: if the best way to learn a game is a 3 hour video to get into it and get started, something is wrong. When that video has to actually be created by fans, because the official videos just leave too many questions it …


Reply: Apocrypha Adventure Card Game:: General:: Re: This game…

by TheGargoyle
buschenfeld wrote:Has the worst rule book in Boardgame history. The game looks awesome but I’m no clearer on how to play it having read the rules, they’re almost like a stream of consciousness written at 4am. I would do a complete ove…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Favorite game that plays in ~20 mins

by TheGargoyle
One I enjoyed with fast game play was Soviet Dawn – one of the earlier state of siege games. Quite fun dice chucker with nice historic flavor. Other games allready mentioned that I enjoy with quick play are Hostage Negotiator and Hopl…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Tom Vasel is against Solo ?

by TheGargoyle
Tom Lehmann wrote:As long as I’m commenting in this thread, let me ask solo gamers a question:Which do you prefer in a solo variant of a multi-player game?A) A paper system that “mimics” 1 or more players providing a multi-player feel…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Tom Vasel is against Solo ?

by TheGargoyle
The problem here is not Tom Vasel, the problem us Tom Lehmann. If you only do what mainstream validates, you end up producing mainstream. Which might be what you want to do, but it is where you lose creativity and personality over tim…


/u/bboomslang on What are some good, weightier games (+3.10 BGG) that are streamlined and intuitive?

Yep, would be my candidate, too. Really great to teach, only thing that might be slightly unintuitive on first play is the interaction of cards and hiuses, but that is what the test scoring during play is meant for.


Reply: Cthulhu Wars:: General:: Re: No PM mail, do I have to be nervous already?

by TheGargoyle
Lets wait for tomorrow to get worried 😉 (I’m without PM notification, too)


Reply: The 7th Continent:: General:: Re: Can we safely assume a retail release of this game now?

by TheGargoyle
Another thing that people seem to forget: when a KS moved large numbers of product allready, why should any publisher takr on the risk of producing such a big and complicated game, when obviously a very large part of the market for a …


/u/bboomslang on What makes Concordia a great game?

The buttery smooth game play and the really great coopetiton – you quite often can’t avoid giving things to your opponents. The double use of action cards for both the actions you can take and end game scoring, the breat visual way the map fills up – it all snaps together so well. And you just feel great while playing it. Add that it is quite easy to teach, if people have played some other modern games before. And the different maps give nice variability without overburdening people with complexity.


/u/bboomslang on 7th Continent, the new hotness… What expansions "are essential" ?

One thing to keep in mind: they have horizontal (adding to gemerl game play) and vertical (adding new story by adding curses) expansions. I only went for the vertical ones, as those will provide play outside the allredy known, while horizpntal (weather, devourer) only add uf you throw them in from the start or replay curses, which I don’t relly see myself doing.


/u/bboomslang on What game got you into war gaming?

Yep, 2+2 is on my list of stuff to buy at Essen. Really looking forward to this, as we have one group where this would be perfect.


/u/bboomslang on What game got you into war gaming?

1775 is great – by far my favorite team game, it plays so super smooth! Another great one from Academy Games is Mare Nostrum: Empires, again, a super smooth playing game with lots of great moments and stories playimg out.


/u/bboomslang on What game got you into war gaming?

For me it was Polis: Fight for the Hegemony – I know, not a real war game, but that one made me look for more games on the border of euro and war games, stuff like Wir sind das Volk or the COIN series, CDGs and stuff like that. Games where grognards usually complain that they are not war games 😉 – sooner than later that drew me deeper into war game territory with stuff like Paths of Glory, Washington’s War, Twilight struggle. Then solo gaming got me closer to other publishers, since some of them have great solo variants, so now I have stuff around like Comancheria, War Fighter, Churchill, Pericles, but also things like Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear (with the solo expansion) and Night of Man. And COIN. These games always feel like they were built for me.


/u/bboomslang on Beautiful and relaxing small box games

Military wins happen only when the right science is up for grabs and even then it often needs help by either military wonders or double-turn wonders to grab juicy fat military cards. More often than not a military win means your opponent didn’t pay attention or was too greedy. Science wins on the other hand are happening quite often, as that is a good way to go when you notice a runaway leader problem early enough. But again, without the help of double-turn wonders or the mausoleum allmost impossible.


/u/bboomslang on Wargames, Who Plays and Should I?

Well, there us one answer for any eve online lover, because it also is called spreadsheets in space, and that is Space Empires 4x. The base game is allready a cool beast with teching up your civ and building your fleet and killing your neighbours, all …


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Triplock as a solo experience

by TheGargoyle
Only played once so far, but ut feels really i teresting to me. Maybe because I don’t have memory games in my collection outside this title. And I would never have expected such a title to have solid solo rules. It is very puzzly, so …


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Solo card game

by TheGargoyle

Something more in the feel of Friday: The Lost Expedition. It is not a deck builder, but you still have hand management with a nuce survival theme on top. I quite like it as an experience, and it just feels great with the nice big cards with large art pieces. Gives a Tim&Struppi vibe (no idea how it is named in english, I mean that belgian comic series about that advemturer, his little dog and Captain Haddock).


/u/bboomslang on Beautiful and relaxing small box games

If Onitama is on your list of favorites, take a look at The Duke. It is an abstract, but the different pieces give it quite a bit pasted on theme. And it plays differently from other abstracts, as the random tile pull and the tile flipping (and the tot…

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