
/u/bboomslang on Beautiful and relaxing small box games

The thing is, after you really dive into it, you start to notice how super cutthroat it is. It turns into a really nasty game of denying your opponent needed ressources and setting up chains to grab what you need and things like that. After 80 plays we…


/u/bboomslang on Best games for 6+?

My favourite for up to 8 is 7 Wonders (you need an expansion to go beyond 7, though), because the game length mostly stays the same. We played quite a bit out of it in our game group. For lighter stuff nothing can beat Codenames for me (we play the pic…


/u/bboomslang on What’s you favourite game with cool dice mechanics?

One I really like is Viva Java: The Coffee Game: The Dice Game. Dumb name, neat yahtzee like game where you have to invest into opening rerolls and other manipulating powers first, then later sacrifice them for points. And I like the theme quite a bit….


/u/bboomslang on What’s you favourite game with cool dice mechanics?

That is another one of my favourite dice games, especially solo. Quick play and neat system, for me the so far best tiny epics.


/u/bboomslang on What’s you favourite game with cool dice mechanics?

I really like that one, even better than the bigger Pandemic. Just plays quick, easy to setup and tear down, and the colorful dice just look and feel great.


/u/bboomslang on New To You – September 2017 – What New Games Did You Play This Month?

Most impressive is an oldie I played for the 1st-16th time, 6 of them on one evening, and that is Battle Line. I eyed the GMT edition quite a bit, but the art felt a bit flat. And the original Schottentotten just looked too goofy. Then I found this nice medieaval retheme, and I really like the art, so I got that one. So far we only play the base game, as my wife doesn’t understand english, but we are havong a blast with it and it went to the top of our list immediately.

The next one was Triplock which I just received. Really nice solo memory game with puzzle szenarios that slowly get more complicated. Really cool idea for some quick solo where you play something really different from many other games. The game system really stands out for me from my collection.


/u/bboomslang on Hoplomachus?

I own Rise of Rome and Origins. Both are great solo games. Origins is smaller, cheaper and faster, where the solo mode is more like given situations that you try to break – if you find the key to win one, it won’t be too special later on. The higher scenarios try to change that with some randomness in selections of units, and of course you can always mix things up yourself. But it always feels more like those “checkmate in 5” puzzles. But due to its fast setup and play it still is my favourite of the two boxes. RoR delivers much more epic play with the titans and is a much deeper experience, not just a quick skirmish. Play time is longer and strategy deeper, a ton of fun, but for me the longer play time keeps it from hitting the table as often as I would like. The already mentioned army of one expansion is great for RoR, as you get some more titan stuff.

For me, Origins is the best place to start, since you get the core fighting experience at a lower price point. Next would be RoR because titans are awesome.


/u/bboomslang on Great game SAGRADA but so disappointed and annoyed!!

exactly. color as the only distinguishing feature will allways clash with some people. Usually a good way out is to have graphic symbols or patterns in addition to differentiate things. no idea if that could have been done for Sagrada.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Gloom of Kilforth + Expansions launching on Friday…

by TheGargoyle
ninjadorg wrote:If I say yes now is that a spoiler? Because, well, in the future, yes. ;)Well, it’s the only thing I need to know 😉


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Gloom of Kilforth + Expansions launching on Friday…

by TheGargoyle
Happy you go with Schwerkraft for the german version, one of my favorites for translations, they do very good work. But since I am much mire a 1066 guy than a fantasy guy: will there be a german 1066, too, some time in the future?


Reply: Days of Ire: Budapest 1956:: News:: Re: Announcing the SEQUEL

by TheGargoyle

TDaver wrote:

powerwis wrote:


is it also a card-driven game like DoiB ?

Yes it’s card driven, but no it’s not like DoI.

The Hungarian side plays a light block wargame with area movement, where the stronger actions require an icon on the block to match an icon on the card. It’s a bit of action allowance and a bit of card management. Cards are randomly drawn, but the deck is small enough to guarantee a reshuffle in every game, so you see every card roughly twice.

The soviet side plays more of an hand building-action management game. He has 12 cards, each with a mix of actions and a mix of combat values. At the beginning of every round the Soviet picks 6 cards he’ll play one at a time for his actions. The remaining 6 cards are shuffled together into a “combat deck”. Every time he attacks, he flips the top card of that deck and uses the appropriate combat value on it. The more hits he suffers, the less cards he can pick from.

If you held a gun to my head and asked me to compare it to other games, I’d compare the Hungarian side to Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan. The Soviet side I had no direct inspiration for, some of the “feel” was inspired by the Empire’s metagame in Star Wars: Rebellion, but it’s an extremely thin comparison. (As opposed to DoI’s Soviet cards which were directly influenced by Twilight Struggle and Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 – ?)

A few things in the game have the feel of a COIN game (both Brian and I were very conscious of that) – flipping units, asymmetrical actions, but it’s less “inspired by COIN” and more “how can you do it differently than COIN”.

I would say the luck element is even smaller than in DoI.

And sold to me. Block war game with an AI opponent? Wow. Now just make sure the game is language independent, so I can play it with my wife together!


/u/bboomslang on Played Battle Line for the first time and it was awesome!

Yep, quickly plaed itself up into the ranks for me and my wife. We thoroughly enjoy it, playing multiple back-to-back games even (which is not that common for us to do).


/u/bboomslang on Played Battle Line for the first time and it was awesome!

due to the language problem – my wife diesn’t understand english – we never played with them. But let me tell you, the base game is just plain awesome. Very elegant and quite quick playing, but still lots of good decision points in the game. Really enjoy it without tactics, even though I wouldn’t mind playing with them with someone who understands english, but don’t really miss them.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Solo games for seamen

by TheGargoyle
kostas12345 wrote:Staley wrote:Aside from that I would remove whatever other luggage is necessary to bring Mage Knight. :)True that! Mage Knight rules!Who needs underwear anyway? I could go commando style! What about Nemo’s War 2nd ed…


Reply: 878: Vikings – Invasions of England:: Reviews:: Re: 878 Vikings – First Impression

by TheGargoyle
If it is anything like the other games from the system, then there is a very big reason to “control” empty areas: you just need one dude there and whenever opponent forces try to march through, they have to stop and fight. Sure, your …


/u/bboomslang on Games with satisfying tech trees?

yes, tech either gives you straight vp, icons for the three abstract tracks, icons for paying for other tech or little improvements to you actions. But they don’t introduce new actions or something in that run. Of course, the ones that improve your action count and the ones that allows mid-round card draw (draw and discard being much better most of the time than shuffle and draw) being the main things to go for. But what I meant was that they just do that: small improvements. Not introducing anythung over the top, no real comborific stuff, things people often associate with tech trees. Essentially it is a tech tree theme on a race to finush the game by playing era-end-cards in a way that leaves you with mire points than your opponent. Fun game, my wife and I played it over 150 times and still like to pull it out every now and then (still my wifes favorite game as it was the first one she really cracked).


/u/bboomslang on Games with satisfying tech trees?

yeah, it is tech-tree the game. One thing people thinking “tech tree” might miss, though: its tech is only providing symbols for vp and more tech. So the technology itself doesn’t actually do anything spectacular. If that is what you want, I probably would more go for Innivation, as every technology there provides unique abilities.


/u/bboomslang on People with trade lists on BGG: Why do you add items to your trade list regularly, but don’t actively trade on BGG?

This. I keep a list of games I am WILLING to trade, but that doesn’t say I am running around, trying to find trades for them. I do understand when people get annoyed when the other side doesn’t answer trade requests, though, especially if you see them login regularly – that is just rude. But not doing active trades just means no trade showed up, was offered or found in a while. Additionally, I have some games up for trade where I say I only trade for stuff high up on my wish list. And I only trade within Germany, due to silly high postage outside in many countries.

Trade lists are chances for trades, not obligations for trades.


/u/bboomslang on It’s only September but what are you pegging as GOTY for you this year?

For me I think it would be Corleone: The Godfather – at least for stuff I brought to our game night. It just plays fantastic with all player counts and is really fun to play, the mechanics for me click just right and present a great mobster game. It might not be the Corleone game, but I don’t care about that anyway.

For my solo playing it probably is 7th Continent, because it is the closest to adventure games on the computer that I totally loved, just in board game form.


/u/bboomslang on Histogames, old & new: Maria & WSDV 2+2

Yes, totally looking forward to 2+2 – WsdV is among my wife’s and my favorites, a really great game. And to be able to play that with one of our game groups will be lots of fun.


/u/bboomslang on It’s Friday!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 What are you looking forward to playing this weekend and why? (9/22/17 edition)

Still out sick with a nasty cough, so probably nothing heavy. But we recently got into Battle Line and that might see more play, which I would look forward to. And maybe some Progress: Evolution of Technology to humour the wife, as that is her favorite…


/u/bboomslang on Favorite 1v1 Abstracts!

currently our go-to abstract for two is The Duke. The flipping pieces give it a nicw twist that undermines my chess-schooled brain quite a bit and gives my wife a solid chance to snag victory from me. I allready have Tak waiting, though, for some alternatives. Other than that: Battle Line and Red7 are more or less abstracts, too, and we enjoy them quite a bit. But it is hard to convince my wife to play abstracts, so I don’t own many of them.


/u/bboomslang on Blue Delver Players: Your favorite piece of sideboard removal?

Against my arch-nemesis Bogles: Curfew. Just so much fun to turn a downside to an upside with your fairies. Feels like cheating, probably because it is 😉

but for harder stuff I prefer Curse of Chains, as it can really screw with non-green decks. But the less-than-great blue “removal” made me switch to UR delver in the end.


/u/bboomslang on Ixalan, Iconic Masters, and Pauper

I somehow allready hate the idea of [[Seeker of the Ways]] showing up in Kuldotha Boros. I think it fits in that build at least as a two-of (maybe spread over main and side or fully side depending on meta) to help against more aggressive decks. They ha…


/u/bboomslang on What do reviewers do that drives you mad?

God, Boardgame Brawl still to this day posts videos with out-of-focus components. He is doing it for years and still doesn’t get it right nor reshooting those parts. It’s not hard science, dude, learn your equipment!


/u/bboomslang on What do reviewers do that drives you mad?

SUaSD and NPI both have this stupid idea that pushing/throwing pieces around is funny. Nope, it isn’t, at keast not if you do it as often as you do. It irks me, when I see people clumsily or pretend-clumsily shove around pieces and break the setup. It doesn’t add to neither value nor tone of the review. But well, I can look over it if the review provides value, but it is probably why I relegate those two channels more to the boardgame-clowns faction than as valuable information sources. Fun to watch every now and then, especially about games I allready know about, but rarely a source when looking for information about a game, as that gets lost in the “funny”. Same as inside the box, great channel, just not great source of info about a game.


/u/bboomslang on What do reviewers do that drives you mad?

Man vs Meeples is mire the board game evening news to me than an actual review channel. Tidbits from the hobby, pointers for games I might want to go in on further, stuff like that. I like their super smooth production, really, the amateurish clobbered togetherness of some reviewers gets to me sometimes. I like that thwir thing is on the shorter side, too. As I said, the equivalent of the evening news. Especially when they have guests. I’ve never gone to a MvM vid when I wanted to know about a game specificially, but I have gone for more infos on a game after several MvM videos.


/u/bboomslang on What do reviewers do that drives you mad?

Yeah, I miss All the games you like are bad – he gave real analysis, based on reasoning that again he presented to you, so you could decide to agree or disagree. Very valuable contributions in my book, so sad he stopped doing them.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: I need to buy something!!

by TheGargoyle
mortenmdk wrote:Whenever you must buy something and don’t know what, buy chocolate. Lots of it. You can never go wrong with chocolate and you can never have too much of it.:)This is actually a very sensible suggestion. I approve this …


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week, Redux: Imperial Settlers

I really like it, but somehiw it never hits the table. It might be the fiddlyness – all that conversion stuff happenong – and the different decks to know, it just feels overly complicated for what it does. 51st State Master Set feels kinda the same (no wonder, same game system) with even more stuff added with the contact tokens. I really like the system, but most people I teach it to, I notice they just don’t “get it” – which ends with them not really enjiying it. Maybe this is one of thise games you really have to play repeatedly to really enjoy it. Will give one of them a new chance on our weekly game night nontheless, maybe it finally will click for others.

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