
/u/bboomslang on Kickstarter Roundup: July 23, 2017 | 17 Ending Soon (incl: Stonebound Saga, Swords, & Ducklings) & 44 New This Week (incl: Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 3, Renegade, & Out of the Woods)

I’m in for Renegade, not just because the creator is one of my favorite boardgame yputuber, but also because it gives me all the right solo play vibes – kinda like a lighter cyberpunk mage knight. And I got finally scked into Cthulhu Wars, because the german version. Will probably just staying with the base box + 1 faction pledge level, because my wife qould otherwise kill me, but should allready be fun that way.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: News:: Re: Solo-playable games that are on kickstarter (No Kickstarter links please)

by TheGargoyle
Guys, you know that Renegade just started on kickstarter, right? The game of our very appreciated Ricky Royal?


Reply: Cthulhu Wars:: General:: Re: A Newbie’s Help Request Understanding This Huge Game

by TheGargoyle
I’m in the same position as OP, new to CW and will get my first box this time (since the german release just took away the last thing I could put up against getting it aside from “but it’s expensive” 😉 ).My plan is to go for the Acol…


Reply: Dragonfire:: News:: Re: Gencon release?

by TheGargoyle
Well, if their release schedule is as precise and speedy as the one for Shadowrun: Crossfire, be prepared to stare at “coming soon” stickers on those items in online stores for something like a year or two. I mean, we are waiting for …


Reply: Renegade:: News:: Re: KICKSTARTED LAUNCH is July 18th

by TheGargoyle
ricky2002 wrote:Mixo wrote:It is the 18th here in Europe and nothing on Kickstarter yet… ;-)WHEN, oh WHEN?11am PST which is 7PM in the UK:nervous::surprise:Definitely looking forward to it. Despite being in the Cthulhu Wars KS that …


Reply: Dawn of the Zeds (Third edition):: General:: Re: Expansion still planned ?

by TheGargoyle
Alan Emrich wrote:I believe our last thinking was a single Zeds KS campaign that included: 1) a reprint of the game; 2) the Expansion kit; 3) the Booster pack; and maybe even 4) the Card game (which is no “light filler” game, by a lon…


/u/bboomslang on What are some games that take place in Germany?

If you like Twilight Struggle, get Wir sind das Volk, because that one is kinda a card driven game (well, kinda) that replays the history of Germany (both east and west) from WWII to the fall of the Berlin Wall. It really is a great game with a very in…


/u/bboomslang on Your favorite obscure gem to wow people with?

Despitw a few real beauties in my collection, I think the one with the highest wow factor is probably Mare Nostrum: Empires. Gorgeous maps, nice chess-like figures and a ton of nice thick cardboard chits and tiles. It just looks great on the table and …


Reply: 1 Player guild:: News:: Re: Terraforming Mars was robbed!

by TheGargoyle
Just keep in mind that SdJ Kennerspiel des Jahres is more along the lines of gateway-Game of the year while the Spiel des Jahres would be family-game of the year. They are a whole layer down from what you would expect from the title o…


/u/bboomslang on What game do you play with non gamers?

For me that is Paperback, because everybody can build words and so even non-gamers feel like they have an idea what they are doing and they don’t have to wrap their head about some abstract concept. It gives them something familiar and that helps to ease into the actual game and learn the basics of a deck builder.


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

Team Games As in players building up teams and playing against another team. Here I would nominate two again, one from the party game genre with Codenames: Pictures (pictures just because it is the one I own). It is super fun and fast and often closes …


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

Area Control

Not just military, there are lots of different ways to have area control matter, but for me in this category it would be Mare Nostrum: Empires due to its area control – while smack at the center of the game – gives you more than just victory points. Here it is just a means to the win cons and not the one and only wincon. If we would talk pure area control, my choice would probably be 1775: Rebellion, because I can’t see how you could go purer than that while still having a game 😉


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

For me that would be The Duke. I played chess in a team for 9 yeas and kinda buened out on pure abstracts, but The Duke brought me back in. I think it is the level of unpredictability due to random tile draw and the complexity with tile flipping that d…


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

Well, even though I just played Concordia yesterday for the first time, I would agree it is way up there. It was nice to have a game play right out of the rules without problems, especially without me doing any rule studies before, and still nit having…


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

I have two here, one is Paperback, which probably is really the best in my collection for this category, because I can get allmost everybody into it, even if they never played a modern boardgame before. The reason being that allmost everyone can at kea…


/u/bboomslang on What game in your collection is the very best at what it does?

For me that would be Elder Sign, because it keeps Yahtzee at its mechanical center, but provides tons of story around it (especially with the recent expansions it got).


Reply: The Golden Ages:: General:: Re: Any likelihood of a new edition with different art?

by TheGargoyle
I actually really like the art. Sure, it is different, but I like my games different and the art really is coherent, which is much more important to me (I hate games where different art styles are used – I even hunt down cards in diff…


/u/bboomslang on Hoplomachus fans…are you still playing?

Solo player here and Hoplo: Origins still hits the table from time to time. I also have Rise of Rome, but that one is more involved to play, so I often prefer the simpler and faster playing Origins challenges.


Thread: Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done:: General:: Language dependence

by TheGargoyle
From the KS pictures it looks like only the knight order cards have text that is game play relevant? Or are there more elements, especially hidden elements, with game play relevance? My wife doesn’t understand english, a single card w…


/u/bboomslang on What are your favorite under-the-radar solo games?

One that maybe only war game afficionados will know, but which is really great solo: Night of Man. SciFi skirmish game that doesn’t use dice but goes with cards – the hand management combines great with battle plans. Solo is a done with another deck of cards that make your enemies become alive in a way that doesn’t make you lose track of your own plans just because you had to manage the AI. Plays quickly, has a bunch of scenarios to play through and is just plain fun. Only downside is it is quite expensive and the solo expansion even costs extra.


/u/bboomslang on What are your favorite under-the-radar solo games?

Yeah, it is quite fun, only be warned about the rule book, it is not the best. But the game is worth it, the buildup and teardown gives the game a great feel. Among my favorites of the series.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: News:: Re: Solo-playable games that are on kickstarter (No Kickstarter links please)

by TheGargoyle
Razoupaf wrote:Watching the video it appears to be a single card again. Like, 1 card for solo, the same card for co-op with Xs added to its life total (yup, could have been a single card. Waaaaaste).overpriced, solo a crude joke and t…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: News:: Re: Solo-playable games that are on kickstarter (No Kickstarter links please)

by TheGargoyle
MAJBrown22 wrote:Star Realms: Frontiers launched this morning with solo included at the base $20 level. The backer levels are on the high side, you’ll need to spend an extra $10 just to get stretch goals and a total of $65 + shipping …


/u/bboomslang on Wizards: "Starting July 10, we will be reducing the total number of top decklists being presented per day from ten to five"

So they noticed a selection of 10 decklists pushes the meta in a specific direction and replace it with a 5 decks list as a solution? Somehow I think that will totally work. Not.


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Solo games with strong and natural narrative building

by TheGargoyle
dthurston wrote:+1 for Burgle Bros.I’ve heard such claims about Dawn of the Zeds and Nemo’s War, but haven’t had a chance to play them myself.both do the job very well, but DotZ is a beast to set up with all the different options and …


Reply: The 7th Continent:: General:: Re: Tracking the TITAN

by TheGargoyle
looks like it docks today!


Reply: 1 Player guild:: News:: Re: Solo-playable games that are on kickstarter

by TheGargoyle
Really hoping for more depth to the solo play than the current solo challenges – maybe something along the lines of Hero Realms campaigns? I just love the goofy Babylon 5-esq scifi setting of Star Realms more than the generic fantasy …


Reply: The 7th Continent:: News:: Re: Kickstarter reprint + new expansion this automn

by TheGargoyle
I just wish that some people would take their pointless semantics discussion some place else than a news forum for a game where people might actually be interested in news and not blabber …


/u/bboomslang on 2 player Board Games

My wife and I enjoy 7 Wonders: Duel quite a bit, especially as it sets up fast and plays quick, with different ways to play out each time. Quite fun for games at home. While out and about we enjoy The Duke, which is a two player abstract with some rand…

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