
Reply: Triplock:: General:: Re: Germany Group.buy – Sammelbestellung Deutschand

by TheGargoyle

In der spiele-offensive läuft eine andere Sammelbestellung, da sind einige mehr unterwegs, vielleicht macht es Sinn sich dort zu beteiligen.


Reply: Wargames:: General:: Re: What Wargame Did You Just Get This Month? July, 2017 Edition

by TheGargoyle
Nemo’s War (second edition) arrived on saturday and found some table time on monday. Yay! Very fun game on the edge of “war games”. I guess since it is from VPG, it mostly counts as honorary war game 😉 – other than that, Pericles: Th…


Thread: Nemo’s War (second edition):: Rules:: Event 49 Korean Incident disposal at finale?

by TheGargoyle
I had that card in my tableau and the 20000 leagues finale (G) card that requires me to handle all keep cards. But event 49 does not have a “fail/pass at end of game if retained” clause.Not that it would have helped me, because the di…


Reply: Nemo’s War (second edition):: General:: Re: European arrivals

by TheGargoyle
touchdown in Germany yesterday, info mail came the same day.


/u/bboomslang on [HOD] Firebrand Archer

My Thermo Alchemist got a friend …


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Best board game AI?

by TheGargoyle
Aside from the many great ones already mentioned (Comancheria, COIN and Conflict of Heroes as well as Gears of War are really great), others I enjoyed quite a lot are the titans from Hoplomachus: Rise of Rome and the solo option for N…


/u/bboomslang on What did you play this week (Jun 19 – Jun 25)?

I haven’t played Scythe recently, but at least I got to bling out my box with meepkesource meeples and the blackfire orgamizer, so maybe one excuse (longish setup) should be gone, now that I have everything organized. I really liked my plays, but it suffers from the standard proble of all tons-of-stuff-games, the need to overcome setup-lazyness.


/u/bboomslang on What did you play this week (Jun 19 – Jun 25)?

51st state is awesome for solo play, I feel it runs much smoother than Imperial Settlers. I really liked my plays, totally should get it out again. Hopefully I will have some chance to get it on the table for multiplayer, too, allthough with its many d…


/u/bboomslang on What did you play this week (Jun 19 – Jun 25)?

I really nee to get a group going again fir Mare Nostrum. Enjoyed every play I had with it. Rome has to go fully aggro, it really is their thing, I would usually try to go for the cuties win. You can do other stuff on the side, they can get quite some trade empire going due to surrounding areas and their ressources, especially if they get some wonders that help there. With carthago, the pyramid is one obvious way for them, so try to keep down their ressources, if you can. I allways just reveal 5 heroes, as I find it cuts down AP and adds some interesting variability to the game (as it doesn’t have anything like variable start setup outside that variant). With all heroes/wonders revealed, I could see people go fir the same combos over and over again.


/u/bboomslang on What did you play this week (Jun 19 – Jun 25)?

Ah man, I envy you for getting Twilight Struggle to the table. It is one of the games I really want to olay but don’t get my wife into yet. I am working towards it, though, by slowly intriducing CDGs into our game rotation in the hope that one day TS or its sister game 1989 might be accepted by her 😉 (edit: typos)


/u/bboomslang on What did you play this week (Jun 19 – Jun 25)?

Man, I haven’t participated in one of these threads in a while. Last week was quite interesting due to the wide range of played games. One I was really happy about was the first two plays of Sola Fide, which was only appropriate for the year of Luther (the game is about the reformation war). An interesting game with its push and pull over the different church circles of Germany. We didn’t yet use the drafting, only the default starter decks, but from that I can see the game opening up when adding drafting and I look forward to that. The basic deck is a bit too restricting for the pritestant player I feel, with some cards that are duds late game and no way to discard for value like the catholic player can. But still, I really enjoyed it.

Another interesting one was my first play (solo) of the newly arrived Sword & Sorcery. Totally loved it, even though it took tons of time and table space and was a bit much to set up and track. Totally see it hitting the table more often, if I can get some people together for it, since it really feels like a DnD RPG in a box.

Our game group got some new stuff, too, by playing Karnivore Koala, a maybe more obscure card+dice game about cute koala tribes hunting mutated animals in a posteucalyptic world. Weirdly random fun and nonsense.

In addition to that we got out Between two cities again, which I quite like – sadly not too many others do, at least nit enough for it to get regular table time. I like that it is a rather chill drafting game with some semi-coop aspects that work nicely. Combined with a more lightish structure this is a good filler-plus for game nights.

Other than that my wife and I got in our share of our regulars like 7 Wonders: Duel (allmist 80 plays on the base game and still big fun, allthough I would like to try out the expansion, but my wife is reluctant to new stuff), Progress: Evolution of Technology (which after allmost 150 plays for gets a little bit played out but is still my wifes favorite game ever), Red7 (which at 66 plays slowly works itself up the ladder) and The Duke (still under 20 plays, but definutely one I allways enjoy when we get it out and my favorite cafe house game currently).

Regarding reviews: yep, tons of reading before buying, but it isn’t the leading factor on buying. But it helps to tip me either way when I am on a fence. There have been a few games that weren’t full duds, but at least felt meh when I played them, when I discovered the mechanics didn’t gel well with me. But there is one that is really rage inducing for me, despite that I really want to love the game: Assault on Doomrock. Went for it when all the reviews I watched and read were good and looked like the game would be right for me, but my plays so far were so horribly unfair random punishment dealt out to me from the game system, that I wanted to flip the table. I am an avid solo player and met my share of random punishment (I love to play VPG state of siege games for example, or Hostage Negotiator or Space Hulk: Death Angel, so I really know what random means), but none of my other games felt ever so totally unfair like what AoD dishes out. Damn.

Regarding superpowers: no game deserves that treatment, anything you love would get stale quite fast if it got that level of attention 😉

(all typos due to my onscreen keyboard. that’s my story and I stick to it, anyway)


/u/bboomslang on Dumb Q: How is Snapcaster Mage utilized?

this. 4 mana, 6 damage and a 2/1 on the board. And if you have done it properly, it was on your opponents end step, so essentially it is 4 mana, 6 damage and a 2/1 with haste. That’s a damn good rate. In addition, it’s whatever the most fitting spell is in your graveyard, if you have two additional mana over the cost of that spell.


Reply: GMT COIN Series:: General:: Re: Gauging interest in a COIN game with a science fiction theme

by TheGargoyle
Since I usually play COIN games solo, a 5-player COIN would mean I have to handle 4 bots? Nope. I actually don’t get to play them often enough due to the amount of work it is to handle the 3 bots, so I guess I would skip a “monster CO…


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: CTG Triplock

by TheGargoyle
I went in when I read they go for PVC cards again. Just another near indestructable travel game for me that I can play solo at the beach or cafe or hotel bar. Small, nice components, I like steampunk graphics and Ricky’s game play vid…


/u/bboomslang on UB teachings

Well, I put it this way: I call my Teachings deck lovingly “fuck you, bogles”. It is what I pull out if my main opponent goes into his “I hate delver” mode, because then he plays ridiculously unfun stuff like Bogles and he needs a beating to set him right. And Teaching delivers. Every time. If there are creatures to kill, it is my go-to deck if I want to set records straight 😉


/u/bboomslang on Anyone else feeling bad for Amokhet and the gods about now?

“It’s nothing personal, it’s just business”. “Oh wait, no, it IS personal. I just despise you all.” 😉


/u/bboomslang on Anyone else feeling bad for Amokhet and the gods about now?

yeah, my first deck was the Ajani vs Bolas duel decks, and of course my favorite was Bolas. Ever since that guy has a spot in my heart, storywise.


/u/bboomslang on What game reveals more hidden depth every time you play?

Not happening, it is the favourite game if my wife and so still sees table time every now and then. But definitely getting less and less if that. But we tend to really play games out, there are several other games in the 60s or 70s of plays (Paperback,…


Thread: Sword & Sorcery:: General:: Language update kits?

by TheGargoyle
Since the german version is announced for later this year by Heidelberger – will there be a way for backers to get update kits, so we don’t have to buy stuff completely again? Would be really silly for immirtals for example and would …


/u/bboomslang on How did you get into solo boardgaming?

Well, I know that I myself will not play Mage Knight competitively or with other players at all, because I am scared to have to teach it. So just like Leaving Earth this is one I will keep for solo play only.


/u/bboomslang on How did you get into solo boardgaming?

In my youth I was a chess player for 9 years, doing low-level tournaments and all that jazz. So I am used to split-brain-solo, because that is what you do when you train stuff. So since I love playing board games, I started to solo them until I got my …


/u/bboomslang on What’s the worst (non-house) rule you’ve ever seen in a board game?

Yeah, I play usually with larger groups and we go for players-1 or even players-2 for groups with 6+ players. It just is too spread out with more than maybe 4/5 bases. Especially since everyone has to read the special base powers, too.


/u/bboomslang on What game reveals more hidden depth every time you play?

For me most abstracts give me that. In my case lately it is The Duke that keeps me coming back to, just because each game goes vastly different due to the random tile pull. Luckily my wife enjoys it when we are out of the house, so it does get table ti…


Reply: Leaving Earth: Stations:: General:: Re: Germany/Austria/Mainland Europe bulk Pre-order

by TheGargoyle
I am in for a copy of stations, if there is still a chance (or if another 30 is started). Thanks for doing this!


/u/bboomslang on Teachings – 101 or 101?

Man, I so want to believe in the Grixis version, because that is my favorite color combination in MTG (Grixis Delver in Modern is my favorite)!


/u/bboomslang on [HOU] Jace’s Defeat

Oh man, I so wished for some anti-jace story stuff and it looks like Bolas will deliver. Bolas allways delivers.


/u/bboomslang on [XLN] 4 New Commanders

A grixis Pirate lord. Yay. And I hope the Vraska planeswalker card will make pirate tokens instead of assassin tokens, so we actually can have big pirate swarms.


/u/bboomslang on [XLN] 4 New Commanders

Yeah, Lizard Beast would have been better for interactions with all the existing lizard beasts. The way they did it, the Dinosaur tribe is rather isolated to just this set, especially with a lord for that specific tribe it is a bit a missed opportunity.


/u/bboomslang on Counters to Curse of the Bloody Tome?

I like a one/two-of of echoing truth for pesky permanents I can’t normally reach in blue.


/u/bboomslang on What game(s) have you spent the most on? (Base price + expansions + pimping it out)

yeah, it only got better when I started to play Pauper. Much cheaper format, but still provides the feel of an eternal format. But I guess it will still be a long time until my board game collection reaches the value of my MTG collection.

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