
/u/bboomslang on What is the game you like most that most others find hard to approach or simply doesn’t like?

LOTR: the card game because of all the text on the cards. Seriously. People are reluctant to play because of cards with texts. I don’t mind that much, as I really enjoy it solo, but from time to time a multiplayer game would be fun.


/u/bboomslang on What is the game you like most that most others find hard to approach or simply doesn’t like?

LOTR: the card game because of all the text on the cards. Seriously. People are reluctant to play because of cards with texts. I don’t mind that much, as I really enjoy it solo, but from time to time a multiplayer game would be fun.


/u/bboomslang on What is your favourite game you have tried so far in 2017

Best new game so far and by a large margin is Comancheria which just came out from GMT. It is a solo game about the Comanche over 100 years of their history in North America. Beautiful components, nice tutorial to get you into the game and great player aids to help playing. And by far one of the smoothest solo systems I have met, giving you just the right amount of illusion of control and a glimpse on what your enemies will do, but throwing enough stuff into your way to trip you up. Really enjoyed playing ut and looking forward to more plays.

Honorable mention: Euphrat & Tigris isn’t new at all, but I actually played it the first time and man, it is a lot of fun in a box. I really like how the kingdoms shape up, how conflict is handled and how you don’t necessarily have a “home” but are more like a dynasty grabbing areas and trying to control them, with your first areas just happening the ones where you probably have the most influence. Really neat game, totally can see why people like it so much.

But the best part of 2017 is that I have a semi regular play partner for Magic the Gathering again, and since that is one of only two games I rank a full 10, that one kinda runs in its own league 😉


/u/bboomslang on What is your favourite game you have tried so far in 2017

Best new game so far and by a large margin is Comancheria which just came out from GMT. It is a solo game about the Comanche over 100 years of their history in North America. Beautiful components, nice tutorial to get you into the game and great player aids to help playing. And by far one of the smoothest solo systems I have met, giving you just the right amount of illusion of control and a glimpse on what your enemies will do, but throwing enough stuff into your way to trip you up. Really enjoyed playing ut and looking forward to more plays.

Honorable mention: Euphrat & Tigris isn’t new at all, but I actually played it the first time and man, it is a lot of fun in a box. I really like how the kingdoms shape up, how conflict is handled and how you don’t necessarily have a “home” but are more like a dynasty grabbing areas and trying to control them, with your first areas just happening the ones where you probably have the most influence. Really neat game, totally can see why people like it so much.

But the best part of 2017 is that I have a semi regular play partner for Magic the Gathering again, and since that is one of only two games I rank a full 10, that one kinda runs in its own league 😉


/u/bboomslang on Thoughts on Mare Nostrum Empires?

I really enjoyed each time I played – both with two players and four players. Very enjoyable game with smooth rounds and great components. A bit heacüvy on setup, but fine fir the play time of – in my cases – between 2 and 3 hours.


/u/bboomslang on Thoughts on Mare Nostrum Empires?

I really enjoyed each time I played – both with two players and four players. Very enjoyable game with smooth rounds and great components. A bit heacüvy on setup, but fine fir the play time of – in my cases – between 2 and 3 hours.


/u/bboomslang on Pauper Primer 3: Control

Great series, I really love the work you put in there. Gives great overviews so far over the current pauper landscape.


/u/bboomslang on Pauper Primer 3: Control

Great series, I really love the work you put in there. Gives great overviews so far over the current pauper landscape.


/u/bboomslang on What cards do you predict will be downshifted to common in Modern Masters 2017?

Uh, please, no please. My “Meta” is a Kuldotha Boros deck and I don’t think he needs any more token producers that can go nuts just by going Mardu 😉


/u/bboomslang on What cards do you predict will be downshifted to common in Modern Masters 2017?

Uh, please, no please. My “Meta” is a Kuldotha Boros deck and I don’t think he needs any more token producers that can go nuts just by going Mardu 😉


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week: The Golden Ages

I played it a few times with my wife and it is fun, but for some reason it never flowed smoothly, it allways felt a bit klunky, which in the end probably was what stopped us from playing. I actually like the art style, it wasn’t the looks, it is just that we have many more civ style games with more actual variety to play nowadays, so it is hard to argue for it when talking about what to play. Still a good game and it does what it claims, providing a civ building experience (allthough a very euro-y one) in two hours play time.


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week: The Golden Ages

I played it a few times with my wife and it is fun, but for some reason it never flowed smoothly, it allways felt a bit klunky, which in the end probably was what stopped us from playing. I actually like the art style, it wasn’t the looks, it is just that we have many more civ style games with more actual variety to play nowadays, so it is hard to argue for it when talking about what to play. Still a good game and it does what it claims, providing a civ building experience (allthough a very euro-y one) in two hours play time.


/u/bboomslang on Anyone else, only play pauper?

Not only, but I don’t get to play that often and when I do, I usually play Pauper. Got a coworker into Pauper, so we can play some matches on fridays. I love that I have the full breadth of magic available, Pauper to me feels kinda like “cheap-ass vintage” with the range of available cards. Lots of fun. The only other format that from time to time gets some play is EDH.


/u/bboomslang on Anyone else, only play pauper?

Not only, but I don’t get to play that often and when I do, I usually play Pauper. Got a coworker into Pauper, so we can play some matches on fridays. I love that I have the full breadth of magic available, Pauper to me feels kinda like “cheap-ass vintage” with the range of available cards. Lots of fun. The only other format that from time to time gets some play is EDH.


/u/bboomslang on GB threshold – help wanted

[[Golgari Brownscale]] could add some graveyard-filling combined with life gain, which could be a good thing for you. Or [[Gnaw to the bone]]. At least when I played my GB deck, I noticed that without any lifegain, I was just pummeled out of the game before I actually got anything going – especially since your only flyers are ones that can’t block when you have threshhold, which means that things like flipped Delver or the flyers from Kuldotha Boros just go over you. Even Golgari decks can’t rise from the dead when the player is dead 😉


/u/bboomslang on GB threshold – help wanted

[[Golgari Brownscale]] could add some graveyard-filling combined with life gain, which could be a good thing for you. Or [[Gnaw to the bone]]. At least when I played my GB deck, I noticed that without any lifegain, I was just pummeled out of the game before I actually got anything going – especially since your only flyers are ones that can’t block when you have threshhold, which means that things like flipped Delver or the flyers from Kuldotha Boros just go over you. Even Golgari decks can’t rise from the dead when the player is dead 😉


Reply: Elder Sign:: General:: Re: Base game dead

by TheGargoyle
Not the pure base game, but with the first expansion that does away with the “buy elder signs at the shop” nonsense. And that brings blesses and curses. I do have the gates of arkham and the omens in the ice expansions, but base with …


/u/bboomslang on [WSIG] group of 7 people that are tired of party game deception style games.

7 Wonders would have been my suggestion, too. We play it regularily with our game group and it works very well eith 7 players, only taking the allotted hour. Great game for bigger groups that really stays fast and snappy. And the expansions add some va…


/u/bboomslang on [WSIG] group of 7 people that are tired of party game deception style games.

7 Wonders would have been my suggestion, too. We play it regularily with our game group and it works very well eith 7 players, only taking the allotted hour. Great game for bigger groups that really stays fast and snappy. And the expansions add some va…


/u/bboomslang on Any reviews or opinions on GUNS AND STEEL here?

Well, see the two versions (base and expansion) as two different scenarios of a game and the combined one as a free mix-up scenario – are you fine playing one or two scenarios over and over again? Then you will be fine with this game. If you prefer ver…


/u/bboomslang on Any reviews or opinions on GUNS AND STEEL here?

Well, see the two versions (base and expansion) as two different scenarios of a game and the combined one as a free mix-up scenario – are you fine playing one or two scenarios over and over again? Then you will be fine with this game. If you prefer ver…


/u/bboomslang on Any reviews or opinions on GUNS AND STEEL here?

Setup is quite fast, since you just put out cards, select wonders based on card order and are done. Not much to it. Replayability might be an issue, since you use all cards all the time, except the wonders, but even there it is one of two for each row of the pyramid layout, so not that much diversity. The German version from Pegasus is the base game and the first standalone version combined, so you can play the base game, the standalone expansion (which has slightly different focus and completely new cards) or a combination ed game, where you use all tech cards together. I haven’t played it enough to be authorities, but from the look it sounds like at least the combined game will give you quite a lot of replayability, since the tech cards change a lot that way.

Be warned that the two player game even reduces the number of tech cards in the base game or standalone expansion, so you get even less diversity that way, where I can really see it losing replayability when played with two. But nobody stops you from houseruling the tech and wonder selection and actually making it more diverse that way – but it might hamper balance if you do.


/u/bboomslang on Any reviews or opinions on GUNS AND STEEL here?

Setup is quite fast, since you just put out cards, select wonders based on card order and are done. Not much to it. Replayability might be an issue, since you use all cards all the time, except the wonders, but even there it is one of two for each row of the pyramid layout, so not that much diversity. The German version from Pegasus is the base game and the first standalone version combined, so you can play the base game, the standalone expansion (which has slightly different focus and completely new cards) or a combination ed game, where you use all tech cards together. I haven’t played it enough to be authorities, but from the look it sounds like at least the combined game will give you quite a lot of replayability, since the tech cards change a lot that way.

Be warned that the two player game even reduces the number of tech cards in the base game or standalone expansion, so you get even less diversity that way, where I can really see it losing replayability when played with two. But nobody stops you from houseruling the tech and wonder selection and actually making it more diverse that way – but it might hamper balance if you do.


/u/bboomslang on Recent Kickstarters I’ve Backed

I totally would go for pub battles, but ugh, the international postage is brutal. The game is already quite expensive, but the added postage makes it more expensive than Hoplomachus, which is my gold-standard for “too expensive” 😉


/u/bboomslang on Recent Kickstarters I’ve Backed

I totally would go for pub battles, but ugh, the international postage is brutal. The game is already quite expensive, but the added postage makes it more expensive than Hoplomachus, which is my gold-standard for “too expensive” 😉


/u/bboomslang on Thoughts on the 7 Wonders 2-player variant (not Duel)?

We played the two player game two times to learn the game and enjoyed it quite a bit. But we have the Duel game and so prefer that one when playing with just two and use the big box only for 5+ game nights, as it is then that the game really lights up. But the two player game of the big box really was fun and if we didn’t have the Duel box, I could totally see us playing it more often.


/u/bboomslang on Thoughts on the 7 Wonders 2-player variant (not Duel)?

We played the two player game two times to learn the game and enjoyed it quite a bit. But we have the Duel game and so prefer that one when playing with just two and use the big box only for 5+ game nights, as it is then that the game really lights up. But the two player game of the big box really was fun and if we didn’t have the Duel box, I could totally see us playing it more often.


/u/bboomslang on 7 Wonders Duel Pantheon – First tabling

Same here, the guy got me worried that my 75+ games were wrong! Whew, luckily not.


/u/bboomslang on 7 Wonders Duel Pantheon – First tabling

Same here, the guy got me worried that my 75+ games were wrong! Whew, luckily not.


/u/bboomslang on Any reviews or opinions on GUNS AND STEEL here?

I played it twice and really like it. The thing that makes it hard to get to the table with my wife, though, is the complexity – you really have to manage your hand and tableau in combination, when to flip cards, what to play and what to use as Ressour…

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