
/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

Sorry, I never played Infection, can’t say anything about it.


/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

Sorry, I never played Infection, can’t say anything about it.


/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

The State of Siege games (which Ottoman is one of) give you quite a bit bang for the buck in that they are usually not too expensive and provide excellent solo play – but only solo play, usually. Structure is in parts similar to Space Hulk: Death Angel in that every action is confirmed (or more often denied) by dice rolls and you have an evolving scenario based on cards coming out, giving you historical events and action points to do stuff. They all kinda are like very mean and nasty castle defense games, with historic context. I myself prefer Cruel Necessity (about Cromwell and his civil wars) and Mound Builders (about the mound builder culture in northern america), or Soviet Dawn (russian revolution) for something super-quick (max 30 minutes). But really it’s about getting the historic context that interests you more than anything else, they share a system with many similarities (but still each game adding a few interesting own quirks, so you can easily have multiple games of the series).

An “outlier” of the series is Dawn of the Zeds, because it provides multi-player coop in addition to the solo mode (it started as pure solo, but the newest edition added coop). It’s a blast to play, even though a bit fiddly to set up, and is – to me – one of the best cinematic renditions of the zombie apocalypse. It has many different difficulties for setup that not only change a few simple parameters, but really change up the whole game by adding lots of cards and opening more advanced heroes and stuff like that, so if you want a game to grow with your play, this might just be it. It still has the inherent aspect of all SoS games in that it has heavy wristage – you roll tons of dice, repeatedly. There are ways to mitigate luck in all SoS games, but they are rare and the dice allways have a chance to break all your nice plans. So SoS is far more like Hostage Negotiator than Mage Knight with regard to long-term planning.


/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

The State of Siege games (which Ottoman is one of) give you quite a bit bang for the buck in that they are usually not too expensive and provide excellent solo play – but only solo play, usually. Structure is in parts similar to Space Hulk: Death Angel in that every action is confirmed (or more often denied) by dice rolls and you have an evolving scenario based on cards coming out, giving you historical events and action points to do stuff. They all kinda are like very mean and nasty castle defense games, with historic context. I myself prefer Cruel Necessity (about Cromwell and his civil wars) and Mound Builders (about the mound builder culture in northern america), or Soviet Dawn (russian revolution) for something super-quick (max 30 minutes). But really it’s about getting the historic context that interests you more than anything else, they share a system with many similarities (but still each game adding a few interesting own quirks, so you can easily have multiple games of the series).

An “outlier” of the series is Dawn of the Zeds, because it provides multi-player coop in addition to the solo mode (it started as pure solo, but the newest edition added coop). It’s a blast to play, even though a bit fiddly to set up, and is – to me – one of the best cinematic renditions of the zombie apocalypse. It has many different difficulties for setup that not only change a few simple parameters, but really change up the whole game by adding lots of cards and opening more advanced heroes and stuff like that, so if you want a game to grow with your play, this might just be it. It still has the inherent aspect of all SoS games in that it has heavy wristage – you roll tons of dice, repeatedly. There are ways to mitigate luck in all SoS games, but they are rare and the dice allways have a chance to break all your nice plans. So SoS is far more like Hostage Negotiator than Mage Knight with regard to long-term planning.


/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

The COIN games are great, and Cuba Libre often is named as the easiest to get into, but don’t disregard Falling Sky (gallic tribes vs Caesar) or Liberty or Death (american war of independence). I think the latter one isn’t in print right now, so if you want to get it soonish, probably CL or FS would be your best bets. I just name LoD, because especially for two players it has a great mode of play where you don’t need to add any bots – both players just play the “allied” factions and disregard the local victory condition between allied factions. With all other games from the COIN series, you probably will have to add bots to play it two players.

Another important part about COIN: even though they look like euro games, they aren’t. Be prepared to lots of rule complexity compared to even heavy euro games. But yes, I am sure they will be very different from what you have.

Another option of a “proto-COIN” would be Labyrinth, war on terror – you can play it two players or solo and with the expansion play it solo as either the Jihadists or the American forces. And it is in print right now, so should be easy to get. It is a much more political game than the COIN games even, quite a bit like Twilight Struggle.

Leaving Earth on the other hand is a totally different beast and if you are into very thinky games, this is great. It can be played multiplayer, but I really have a hard time envisioning me to ever play it with more than just myself, because I imagine the downtime being horrible. You are constantly calculating and recalculating missions. But solo it’s really great.

Another game you might want to look into is Night of Man or Conflict of Heroes, both come with expansions that add very solid solo play and both are good as two player games, too. NoM is one of my favorite tactical skirmish games with solo mode, but that might be just because I haven’t yet gotten my CoH copy (it’s incoming this week, though). NoM definitely gives you a ton for the money, and CoH adds the firefight generator as another expansion that allows you to generate your own solo scenarios and so have even more replayability. Both aren’t exactly cheap, though.


/u/bboomslang on [wsig] bang for buck solo

The COIN games are great, and Cuba Libre often is named as the easiest to get into, but don’t disregard Falling Sky (gallic tribes vs Caesar) or Liberty or Death (american war of independence). I think the latter one isn’t in print right now, so if you want to get it soonish, probably CL or FS would be your best bets. I just name LoD, because especially for two players it has a great mode of play where you don’t need to add any bots – both players just play the “allied” factions and disregard the local victory condition between allied factions. With all other games from the COIN series, you probably will have to add bots to play it two players.

Another important part about COIN: even though they look like euro games, they aren’t. Be prepared to lots of rule complexity compared to even heavy euro games. But yes, I am sure they will be very different from what you have.

Another option of a “proto-COIN” would be Labyrinth, war on terror – you can play it two players or solo and with the expansion play it solo as either the Jihadists or the American forces. And it is in print right now, so should be easy to get. It is a much more political game than the COIN games even, quite a bit like Twilight Struggle.

Leaving Earth on the other hand is a totally different beast and if you are into very thinky games, this is great. It can be played multiplayer, but I really have a hard time envisioning me to ever play it with more than just myself, because I imagine the downtime being horrible. You are constantly calculating and recalculating missions. But solo it’s really great.

Another game you might want to look into is Night of Man or Conflict of Heroes, both come with expansions that add very solid solo play and both are good as two player games, too. NoM is one of my favorite tactical skirmish games with solo mode, but that might be just because I haven’t yet gotten my CoH copy (it’s incoming this week, though). NoM definitely gives you a ton for the money, and CoH adds the firefight generator as another expansion that allows you to generate your own solo scenarios and so have even more replayability. Both aren’t exactly cheap, though.


/u/bboomslang on Feudum- Final Thoughts

The reason I am in (well, through some group order, because cheaper) is that it still gives me a very open-world vibe. And I think it looks gorgeous, I like the style. The big box definitely is a benefit and I switched to that immediately, don’t need no superfluous boxes with lots of air in them.


/u/bboomslang on Feudum- Final Thoughts

The reason I am in (well, through some group order, because cheaper) is that it still gives me a very open-world vibe. And I think it looks gorgeous, I like the style. The big box definitely is a benefit and I switched to that immediately, don’t need no superfluous boxes with lots of air in them.


/u/bboomslang on I’ve gotten into a crazy board game kick lately but have no one to play with. Friends aren’t into it.

Is there a neighbourhood coop or something like that around where you live? Can be a great start for your own open boardgame meet. Or go solo gaming, because it is tons of fun and a whole new area of boardgaming in itself. Or do both 😉


/u/bboomslang on I’ve gotten into a crazy board game kick lately but have no one to play with. Friends aren’t into it.

Is there a neighbourhood coop or something like that around where you live? Can be a great start for your own open boardgame meet. Or go solo gaming, because it is tons of fun and a whole new area of boardgaming in itself. Or do both 😉


Reply: 1 Player guild:: General:: Re: Game you think about buying the most, but don’t? And why?

by TheGargoyle

The last one for me currently is Commands & Colors: Ancients – there is a german version, but it is even more expensive than the normal version. And it is not a solo game, neither does it have a solo variant, it is just one that presumeably pays very well two-handed. I am no stranger to playing left brain vs right brain, but most games are either something I know I will get to play multiplayer, or cheaper games. Paying 80 EUR to then discover it is not for me would be kinda a bummer. I’m fine with expensive stuff with dedicared solo play, as most of the time I enjoy those games, but something like this?


/u/bboomslang on What are some good pocket-sized games?

Another vote for Red7 here – that game really is great to have around while waiting for your food at the restaurant, waiting for your plane at the airport and similar situations. Other games I often have with me are Cypher and Eminent Domain: Microcosm…


/u/bboomslang on What are some good pocket-sized games?

Another vote for Red7 here – that game really is great to have around while waiting for your food at the restaurant, waiting for your plane at the airport and similar situations. Other games I often have with me are Cypher and Eminent Domain: Microcosm…


/u/bboomslang on Is labyrinth: the war on terror good?

Yeah, that one is on my list of “stuff to get to put away until I retire”. For now, with a full job and full life, I fear I don’t find the time to play such a monster 😉


/u/bboomslang on Is labyrinth: the war on terror good?

Yeah, that one is on my list of “stuff to get to put away until I retire”. For now, with a full job and full life, I fear I don’t find the time to play such a monster 😉


/u/bboomslang on Let’s Talk Light Card Drafting Games

A nice and light one is Cypher. Quite some bite for essentially is a micro game and one of the smallest card drafters I know.


/u/bboomslang on Let’s Talk Light Card Drafting Games

A nice and light one is Cypher. Quite some bite for essentially is a micro game and one of the smallest card drafters I know.


/u/bboomslang on Is labyrinth: the war on terror good?

I got it with its expansion, because Lab is the only way I am aware of to get the CDG experience in a solo playable game. Sure, I could play other CDGs two-handed against myself, but that’s just not always what I want. Lab to me is kinds like solo TS, especially with the expansion. That said, it so far didn’t pan out, because Lab still is a quite more complex game than TS and so needs a bit time investment to get started, especially with the expansion, where you have to read up on rules in two rule books, checking the new one for changes all the time.


/u/bboomslang on Is labyrinth: the war on terror good?

I got it with its expansion, because Lab is the only way I am aware of to get the CDG experience in a solo playable game. Sure, I could play other CDGs two-handed against myself, but that’s just not always what I want. Lab to me is kinds like solo TS, especially with the expansion. That said, it so far didn’t pan out, because Lab still is a quite more complex game than TS and so needs a bit time investment to get started, especially with the expansion, where you have to read up on rules in two rule books, checking the new one for changes all the time.


/u/bboomslang on "Show me," she says. What would you bring to the table?

Paperback, because it is my go-to game for new people outside the hobby. They can start to enjoy it due to the word building that is less than scrabble and more like crosswords, discover the special powers and usually have a few cute combos in their fi…


/u/bboomslang on "Show me," she says. What would you bring to the table?

Paperback, because it is my go-to game for new people outside the hobby. They can start to enjoy it due to the word building that is less than scrabble and more like crosswords, discover the special powers and usually have a few cute combos in their fi…


/u/bboomslang on Tinfoil Hat Theory: Board game design is being controlled by a cult in hopes of bringing forth the Old Gods

No worries, the resistance has you covered, we got Martin Wallace to make a manual to fight them and have him disguise it as a board game.


/u/bboomslang on Tinfoil Hat Theory: Board game design is being controlled by a cult in hopes of bringing forth the Old Gods

No worries, the resistance has you covered, we got Martin Wallace to make a manual to fight them and have him disguise it as a board game.


Reply: Wargames:: General:: Re: What Wargame Did You Just Get This Month? December, 2016 Edition

by TheGargoyle
I traded XenoShyft: Onslaught for Shadows over Normandie. I liked Xenoshyft, but mostly play the app as the setup is a bit involved for a solo deckbuilder. So I got me a tactical war game with even bigger setup and without offucial so…


Reply: Wargames:: General:: Re: Game with simmilar mechanics as Warhammer Quest adventure card game?

by TheGargoyle
nierensieb wrote:You might want to check out Warfighter: The Tactical Special Forces Card Game or Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game.Definitely this. It is not the same, but gives a lot of the feel of play like WHQ:ACG. Yo…


/u/bboomslang on Just for the heck of it what is your top 3 tabletop games and why?

My rankings are really situational. It is very different if I am playing solo or multiplayer, and if multiplayer, which group I play with.

For solo, it’s LOTR:LCG, Shadowrun:Crossfire and either Hoplomachus:Origins or Night of Man (depending on my mood).

Multiplayer just with my wife, it’s Progress: Evolution of Technology (played over 130 times), 7 Wonders: Duels (played over 70 times) and Red 7 (played something like 25 times, but getting pulled out whenever we sit at a restaurant and wait for food, so chances are good for more).

For multiplayer with my weekly group where we have new players every now and then and many players aren’t as deep into the hobby as me and my wife, it’s 7 Wonders, Citadels and Codenames: Pictures currently. Directly followed by Paperback, which sadly isn’t played as much anymore, because our group is usually larger than 5 players.

For multiplayer with my semi-regular group of friends, it’s probably Mare Nostrum: Empires, Legends of Andor (on the third box now) and the third place fluctuating with whatever we want to try out that night. But I guess I can get them into Scythe easily, it should fire on all cylinders with that group. This group started out explicitely as a Legends of Andor play group, so that’s why we haven’t introduced them to many more games (allthough usually the second game the night is something different).


/u/bboomslang on Just for the heck of it what is your top 3 tabletop games and why?

My rankings are really situational. It is very different if I am playing solo or multiplayer, and if multiplayer, which group I play with.

For solo, it’s LOTR:LCG, Shadowrun:Crossfire and either Hoplomachus:Origins or Night of Man (depending on my mood).

Multiplayer just with my wife, it’s Progress: Evolution of Technology (played over 130 times), 7 Wonders: Duels (played over 70 times) and Red 7 (played something like 25 times, but getting pulled out whenever we sit at a restaurant and wait for food, so chances are good for more).

For multiplayer with my weekly group where we have new players every now and then and many players aren’t as deep into the hobby as me and my wife, it’s 7 Wonders, Citadels and Codenames: Pictures currently. Directly followed by Paperback, which sadly isn’t played as much anymore, because our group is usually larger than 5 players.

For multiplayer with my semi-regular group of friends, it’s probably Mare Nostrum: Empires, Legends of Andor (on the third box now) and the third place fluctuating with whatever we want to try out that night. But I guess I can get them into Scythe easily, it should fire on all cylinders with that group. This group started out explicitely as a Legends of Andor play group, so that’s why we haven’t introduced them to many more games (allthough usually the second game the night is something different).


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week, Redux: Paperback

The German PnP is still my go-to game to rope in non-gamers, since it is very easy to feel like you really do something and the deck building and scoring and card powers come just naturally in the first play. Fantastic game for me and my wife and every…


/u/bboomslang on Game of the Week, Redux: Paperback

The German PnP is still my go-to game to rope in non-gamers, since it is very easy to feel like you really do something and the deck building and scoring and card powers come just naturally in the first play. Fantastic game for me and my wife and every…


Reply: Codenames:: Sessions:: Re: Coming back from a 5-1 deficit.

by TheGargoyle
My savings accounts benefits are microscopic.

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