
/u/bboomslang on The cEDH Manifesto

Dude, you call it “the cEDH manifesto” and post it in the cEDH subreddit. You get told that it isn’t cEDH. Maybe just take your homebrew format and energy to /r/EDH instead?


/u/bboomslang on The cEDH Manifesto

Hard pass. I LIKE to play with old bonkers cards. Banning based on price is dumb. This in no way is „the cEDH manifesto“ – it contradicts what cEDH is, and that is „playing to the max power within the restriction of EDH rules“. I might be fine with a „…


/u/bboomslang on Wth to do with Omen Machine?

Make Lavinia your commander, go full speed! Add Knowledge Pool as an additional – better even! – lock and lose all your friends!


/u/bboomslang on Biological Warfare, My Azorius Living Weapon/Germ deck

[[Concerted Effort]] could be good in this deck, because the power of your germs spread to all your creatures … (and big thumbs up on your deck idea)


/u/bboomslang on Does anyone else have a hard time spending money on mana bases?

No. I am right now in the process to get my full set of go Duals together. Lands are what helps you cast your spells. Buy them. They are good.


/u/bboomslang on What do you do that you feel shows true mastery of your deck?

Yep, you loop Muldrotha, Phantasmal Image, Lion’s Eye Diamond and Animate Dead to make infinit mana.


/u/bboomslang on What do you do that you feel shows true mastery of your deck?

That’s one important one in my Muldrotha deck, as the combo involves Phantasmal Image and Animated Dead and is based on one Muldrotha killing the other, so you can loop them from your graveyard. Get’s people by surprise quite often.


/u/bboomslang on What do you do that you feel shows true mastery of your deck?

Does top-decking Dramatic Reversal and Walking Ballista with Isochron Scepter in hand count as mastery? 😉 I mean, it’s better to be lucky than good, right?

A real answer would be to actually play according to the tempo dictated by active stax pieces and managing your ressources correctly, so that you still have the answers and options ready you need, when you need them. A big thing people do wrong is overextending into active stax, be it Back to Basics, Winter Orb, Narset or even just the Thalias. You need to know what your deck can cough up when you are working under restricted mana and restricted draws, so you need to make sure you can actually play your outs the turn you need them.


/u/bboomslang on How many EDH decks do you currently have? (100% completed) How would you rank them weakest to strongest?

  1. Kenrith Elfball (5c) – cEDH, infinite mana into Kenrith for the win
  2. Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain (UR) – cEDH, artifact combo, stax, storm
  3. Teshar, Ancestor’s Apostle (W) – fringe cEDH, artifact combo, graveyard loops
  4. Lavinia, Azorius Renegade (UW) – fringe cEDH, very hateful bears, prison lock
  5. Grenzo Doomsday (BR) – fringe cEDH, Doomsday suicide combo
  6. Emry, Lurker of the Loch (U) – high power, artifact combo
  7. Muldrotha the Gravetide (BUG) – high power, infinite mana into Jarad for the win
  8. The Locust God (UR) – high power, wheels into hasty insects
  9. Kykar Helm (WUR) – mid power, equipments and vehicles matter, Godo/Aurelia Helm combo
  10. Grenzo Goblins (BR) – mid power, Grenzo as a combo slot machine
  11. Syr Konrad (B) – mid power, self-mill into table drain
  12. Saheeli (UR) – mid power, hidden commander Brudiclad, lots of token synergies
  13. Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer (BUG) – low power, spiced up precon
  14. Sliver Overlord (5c) – low power, all slivers, actual slivers (no combo, only aggro slivers and a super budget 5c manabase)
  15. Slimefoot the Stoaway (GB) – low power, Pauper EDH deck, so all cards in the 99 are commons, aristocrat style and even a dumb infinite token combo in there

Those are the ones I can pull out directly without having to sort through cards and pull cards from other decks, at least if people are ok with small amounts of proxies on the higher end decks (because owning one of each duals should be enough with the price they run at).

Only real exception is deck 5 (Grenzo Doomsday), as that is just a hilariously dumb combo deck that really is far too risky to spend actual mana on, so it runs proxies for all the expensive cards (I do own them, though, so could pull it togehter, too).


/u/bboomslang on Let’s talk hybrid: What would you play?

oona in mono blue or mono black as a solid wincon for infinit mana when I am not running artifact hate. Or Ashiok as general GY and tutor hate in mono blue or mono black.


/u/bboomslang on NIV MIZZET vs EDRIC vs GITROG vs GRENZO – Play to Win – cEDH gameplay

Totally love you videos and really dig your style there with the cuts and commentary. Keep it up!


/u/bboomslang on MonoW now competitive. Where are the other missing combinations?

Hmm – RG with Grumgully, Goblin Bombardement and Skuzzback Marauders and tons of red/green stax and creature tutors? Janky as hell, though, I assume.


/u/bboomslang on Sheldon’s Thoughts on what could kill EDH as a format (EDHRECast Episode 100)

Yeah, that indeed is a bit of a conundrum, Thassa‘s Oracle in a mono blue deck is much harder to pull off than in a deck with black or green. Or Flash – not really that great in mono blue, but quite nasty if you add green (hulk) or white (flash rector)…


/u/bboomslang on Sheldon’s Thoughts on what could kill EDH as a format (EDHRECast Episode 100)

Because I like to play multiplayer and having a commander and starting at 40 life and all the other stuff that makes commander what it is. I just think the black-white view of a banlist is less optimal for a format trying to cater to many different sit…


/u/bboomslang on Sheldon’s Thoughts on what could kill EDH as a format (EDHRECast Episode 100)

The longer the discussion goes, the more I think the only actual solution is the canlander way: skip a bandits and point cards so you can play them, but in a given point maximum, you are limited to what you can do. It is a much better balance of „playi…


/u/bboomslang on Wild Growth is a seriously underrated ramp spell

The thing is though: if they spend enchantment removal on your wild growth, you might actually like that, as that’s one removal less to worry about. And if they strip mine your basic forest, that’s probably better than later on strip mining your cabal coffers.

I see it show up quite often in base-green cEDH decks lately, because it is just another cheap piece of ramp that can be dropped T1 or T2, where people usually won’t waste turns to remove it, so it helps you early turns. And mid game it is often just to inconsequential to remove over something else more threatening (like a Rhystic Studies or Smothering Tithe).


/u/bboomslang on When to not include Sol Ring?

My Muldrotha list runs Null Rod and Collector Ouphe, so it keeps the number of artifacts low. It’s fine to have some of the card draw baubles disabled by Null Rod, but cutting off your own mana just feels bad, man.


/u/bboomslang on 1st Draft of The Locust God

I ditched tutors and hard combos (only Mind over Matter with skull clamp or Future Sight with Top, as that can go through my library) and rely on deep draws and big wheels and draw payoffs for my deck. I mainly win by attacking with giant amounts of in…


/u/bboomslang on New Magicfest Command Zone power level ranking system

My Lavinia (WAR) Knowledge Pool / Omen Machine prison deck only runs essentially one combo (Lavinia with one of the aforementioned lock pieces) if I drop the Rip/Helm combo (which usually is quite bad anyway). And it isn’t fast at all, games drag on forever. I usually plan to win with vehicle beats around turn 10+. I guess I register it under casual 😉


/u/bboomslang on Muldrotha, the Gravetide alter I just finished

That is a really sweet alter. I like the small effects that go beyond the border extension but don‘t overdo it like some of the distressed Alters of Muldrotha do.


/u/bboomslang on Quick Question to cEDH players.

Nope. Stax and MLD are fair game. They might get curious about your brew, because especially MLD is far less often seen than stax rocks. If MLD is an integral part of your game plan, go for it. Just be warned that you might not have as much effect as y…


/u/bboomslang on The debate on white

One big problem is that a lot of whites ways to do it’s thing are based on hampering and catching up – but the hampering part is what is poo-poo’ed on. White needs taxing elements and even hard stax elements and land destruction to pull opponents back on it’s own level to be able to use it’s catchup-mechanisms to actually catch up. But EDH neuters a big part of it’s game plan by making it socially not acceptabale.

Play against a mono white stax MLD deck once and you see how mono white can be an actual menace.


/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?

your comment now makes no sense at all, sorry. You claim your misunderstanding my humor was sarcasm? Because that the original comment was sarcasm is obvious. as should be my comment, but yeahn, as said, about 14 people didn’t get it.

Ah well, Reddit being dumb again, nothing new. /thread


/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?

In the eventuality that the crowd wouldn’t get the reference, I name black lotus with the hope that I happen to find one hiding in there.

I know, reading is hard, but that’s what I referenced. You are not alone, don’t feel bad, 14 downvotes didn’t get it so far 😉


/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?

Finding a Black Lotus with demonic consultation in your EDH deck? I’d say you get into troubles in a tournament for that …


/u/bboomslang on What do you name with Demonic Consultation?

You would get a DQ, but still be happy – win-win either way.


/u/bboomslang on Alela vs kykar vs jhoira(artifact deck)? It is not terrible, but also not oppressive. I would say it can win somewhere around turn 6 or 7 uninterrupted. I mean it needs to get to Godo and get him out and equip Helm, so even the direct Combo win with…


/u/bboomslang on Alela vs kykar vs jhoira(artifact deck)?

I went with Kykar, but went equipment and vehicles. The spirits give me mana to equip stuff or can themselves wear a sword or can crew vehicles to smash in. It is quite fun way to play Kykar. My own list goes a bit combos by including Godo and aurelia …


/u/bboomslang on How many fully constructed decks do you keep?

3 fully built cEDH decks, 5-8 casual ones on different power levels. I have a general battle box of 5 decks ranging from non-combo-nothing-mean Locust God up to stax/combo/storm Jhoira. That gives me a nice selection of decks to play at events I go to….


/u/bboomslang on No-search cEDH

Yeah, I guess every kind of mass draw will be powerful. With Jhoira, some of my Wincons are enchantments that I can‘t reliably Tutor, but I am bound to hit them with her massive draw power in an artifact deck.

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