
/u/bboomslang on Who’s the best Artificer?

Most lists go for Emry Eggs – small artifacts with cheap (best CMC 0 or CMC 1 with cost reducers) and self-sacrifice abilities, like the baubles. That in combination with untap effects for Emry ([[Intruder Alarm]] if you go for cheap creatures and sac outlets, [[Mirran Spy]] if you go for normal artifacts) allow you to dig deep into your library and grab stuff from there and rebuild or win. She tends to go combo, but you can also go token go-wide with stuff like [[Sai, Master Thopterist]], [[Mirrodin Besieged]] and [[Efficient Construction]]. And you can even combine the stuff to have multiple strategies. For more casual tables I would opt to not run tutors but to rely more on deep draw and digging spells and creatures, so you don’t go linear combo win but instead see what happens and comes up. is my list that runs most of what I talk about above πŸ˜‰


/u/bboomslang on Who’s the best Artificer?

For competetive settings I love love love my Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain deck, because it’s super fun and consistent – but for casual tables it is super overpowered. It’s not cEDH tier 1, but it’s tier 2 at minimum. So for more casual settings that are still higher power, I went with [[Emry, Lurker of the Loch]], because she can circumvent commander taxes in a way (just have enough artifacts out when you need to replay her). Arcum Dagsson was my go-to commander when Paradox Engine was still legal, but that again was mostly a cEDH tier 2 deck. Urza – well, I love Urza and play him in my 99 in many artifact decks of mine, but it’s damn hard to not build him in a totally broken way. So both Arcum and Urza will usually experience a lot of table hate. Emry on the other hand kinda flies under the radar at first and even if she gets concentrated on, she is still easy to get out.

An alternative could be to go wider in colors and go for Jeskai, with either [[Elsha of the Infinite]] or [[Kykar, Wind’s Fury]], as they add the good artifact tutoriing of white to the already passable artifact tutoring from blue. I myself built me a Kykar deck that concentrates on equipment and vehicles and uses Kykar as kind of a battery to get the mana for equipping stuff after playing. Definitely a way to get more and broader interaction and synergies than in mono-blue.


/u/bboomslang on Single Card Discussion: Chain of Vapor

So, it sounds a lot to me that someone is sitting in a salt mine here. But let’s try one last time: there is a winning player. You have an answer. You decide to not take care of the problem, but instead try to gain advantage on another player, that did…


/u/bboomslang on [Fan Art] Painted a Slivdrazi Monstrosity!

The mana slivers do not make Eldrazi mana. That one colorless pip can be damn hard to come by if your deck is meant to get to WUBRG fast and consistent and you shun colorless mana producers.


/u/bboomslang on Looking to dabble in cEDH

Yeah, when your decks average cmc is below 2, the Teeg suddenly looks much less problematic.


/u/bboomslang on Single Card Discussion: Chain of Vapor

Look at it from a different perspective: I am already losing anyway, that is the assumption in the discussion. I don’t have answers and supposedly no one had answers ready but that lonely chain of vapor in your hand. You targeting someone else in the e…


/u/bboomslang on How necessary is Timetwister for Opus Thief?

Dark Deal I can get behind, Diminishing Returns is dangerous. Not exactly Demonic Consultation dangerous, but close. And it is one mana higher in CMC, which is astonishingly relevant. And yes, I know that you have more experience in that area than I wi…


/u/bboomslang on Single Card Discussion: Chain of Vapor

Oh, sure, totally valid to take that risk. just don’t come back to me with the complaint that I am throwing the game, is all I’m saying.

Every chain has at least one originator deciding to get some more value out of it instead of taking care of the actual problem.


/u/bboomslang on Single Card Discussion: Chain of Vapor

Exactly. And hey, when the chain comes back to you, you are free to sac one of your own lands to take care of that scepter yourself again.


/u/bboomslang on Single Card Discussion: Chain of Vapor

This. The original chain targetting the lesser threat and trying to force the player already getting set back taking another setback to take care of the main threat almost feels like – totally valid according to game rules and the competetive mindse, no doubt, but still – angle shooting. I totally see a “screw you” reaction to that as a valid answer, too, because players are humans.

If I am the target of said chain and the land I have to throw in to “not throw the game” would leave me completely outside a winning situation, You’d bet I will think long and hard who is the actual problem. One of the guys sitting at the table is only trying to win the game as we all are trying. One other is trying to play me while doing so. πŸ™‚


/u/bboomslang on Emry players, rise up! Who’s been playing Emry, and how have you been building your lists? Here’s my Eldraine subthemed Emry control list.

I know it and play it in a lot of my lists – my Emry on purpose doesn’t run any tutors aside from Inventor’s Fair, because I want to mainly focus on getting there by draw loops with Emry and some baubles or other things like that. It’s a power level decision. If I go for combo decks in a more casual setting, I leave out tutors, going for more redundancy and draw instead. Produces a more varied game play.

If I was going for a more linear combo play style, Drift would definitely be in, it’s one of my favorite tutor effects, because there are so many great targets at CMC 3 (and for CMC 2 I use Muddle the Mixture, as that is also a passable counterspell). And it being almost uncounterable (aside from Stifle effects and who plays those) is another upside.


/u/bboomslang on Emry players, rise up! Who’s been playing Emry, and how have you been building your lists? Here’s my Eldraine subthemed Emry control list.

Intruder Alarm is “2U, random opponent discards a removal from hand” in this deck, because if that doesn’t happen, I flat out win. Very many of my loops are based on creatures ETB/LTB – usually one of the X creatures with X=0 does the trick, or some mana producing creatures and Ancestral Statue.

So no, Intruder Alarm never was a liability, because so far I haven’t seen the game progress with it on the board beyond my turn, one way or the other πŸ˜‰

Her combo plan plays a lot like Teshar Loops, just trading the silence effects for counterspells and draw effects. Was by far my best performing list at Bologna, and most wins weren’t on the first combo run, but required (and were able to do) multiple runs at winning. So games were really fun, even for others at the table – in two cases my opponents and me discussed the board state to find out wether I did or didn’t have infinite, then proceeded to find the best way to stop it to see if I could get through with my grip of interaction or not.


/u/bboomslang on Emry players, rise up! Who’s been playing Emry, and how have you been building your lists? Here’s my Eldraine subthemed Emry control list. is my list. I call it “Tin Elves”, because it plays a lot like combo elves, just with artifacts. It contains a lot of sac-reanimate loops and some etb-based loops, tons of overlapping combos. I ditched tutors, because it is meant for more casual but still higher power tables and it performed really good at MF Bologna for me. It’s a lot of fun to play, because you almost always win in new and weird ways. My saying is that when I have 10 artifacts out, I probably have at least two combos out, which I just might not yet see myself πŸ˜‰

My non-combo plan – which also worked out charmingly – is token and Throne of the God Pharao, because that can just end games.

The thing I love the most about her is the cost reduction – in one game at Bologna she was a 12U commander and I just played her again for a single U, because by then I had enough thopters and myr to reduce her cost fully. Very resilient commander with some really fun options.


/u/bboomslang on How to beat Krenko?

Overlord can find your first sliver for all the cascading fun. You know what overlord can find, too? Morophon. Oh, and I would like to introduce you to this neat little enchantment named Training Grounds.


/u/bboomslang on The most unusual plays

Stroke of genius with X as 4 on the guy with the boardwipe to find a land to play said boardwipe.


/u/bboomslang on Alex Ullmans thoughts on Tron being OP

You are not alone. His sole existence seems to have been reduced by him to just complaining.


/u/bboomslang on [The Spike Feeders] How do you feel about Laboratory Maniac (or: can you still have varied gameplay without changing win conditions)?

Yes, totally. People get to hung up on Wincons, it is the game play how to achieve the Wincon, how to force it through and how to protect it, that matters. Inf8nite Mama can also be run into a walking ballista, sure, but that still would 9nly make it i…


/u/bboomslang on Stained Glass Planeswalkers from Secret Lair

Neither Taxes nor Shipping were surprises, though. It’s in the ballpark I am used to from buying board games overseas.


/u/bboomslang on Stained Glass Planeswalkers from Secret Lair

I’m fine with surprises like these. Much better than the “surprise” failure of the shop last time with the mythic edition πŸ˜‰


/u/bboomslang on Going to my first MagicFest at the end of the month, looking for thoughts on Command Zone vs. Fanatic

The vouchers only get you 150 price tix that you can spend at the price wall (and three foil basic lands) and you can spend them on on-demand commander events, which I think didn’t happen at Bologna. They can’t be used for any of the limited or constructed side events, which is why I think most I met just used them to turn them into booster packs at the price wall (150 tix got your 9 boosters if you didn’t go for the newest sets). If you want to put tix on a game, you just have to check with all people playing – if everybody is fine, you can like put 10 tix in each and the winner takes those or something like that. I didn’t do anything like that, because I don’t like to play for cash, even if it is virtual cash πŸ˜‰


/u/bboomslang on Going to my first MagicFest at the end of the month, looking for thoughts on Command Zone vs. Fanatic

Yay! That one cEDH game I joined you in was fun, too! And I remember your fancy card sleeve marking method. It’s on the plan for me to do, too, to cut down on staple buying.


/u/bboomslang on Going to my first MagicFest at the end of the month, looking for thoughts on Command Zone vs. Fanatic

Did we play each other? I was the German guy with the jeskai helm and the Emry Combo deck (and some others, but those two were the ones I played most). I would be totally up for reduced cost, but even at the price it was I think it was totally worth it…


/u/bboomslang on Stained Glass Planeswalkers from Secret Lair

Oh. I didn’t even know they would come with planeswalkers πŸ˜€


/u/bboomslang on Going to my first MagicFest at the end of the month, looking for thoughts on Command Zone vs. Fanatic

I had the Command Zone 3 day pass for Bologna and it was a blast. Don’t worry about getting into commander games – the judges actively try to get people into pods there, asking about power levels you look for to play at and checking tables for free spaces and matching up people. It was a super fun experience (my first Magic Fest and/or GP or whatever that stuff was called before πŸ˜‰ ), everybody was laid back and had fun playing whatever showed up. Just keep in mind, most people at the command zone will be randoms, too, I seen people coming in groups, but more often than not it was maybe 2 people and even if it was more than that, everybody loved to play someone outside their known meta.

But of course, if you love side events, then Command Zone 3 day pass might not be your thing, because while you do get some vouchers, they mostly are there for betting on the game’s outcome (if you want) or just trading them in for 150 price tix and 3 random basic foil lands. I haven’t seen anyone using their command zone vouchers for anything else, they were traded in for tix early to either combine them with won tickets or just trade in for stuff at the pize wall.

Oh, and the Sol Ring promo you get with the 3 day CZ pass trades for around 55€, so that makes up for a big part of the 3 day pass already. So I’d say it is even worth it for just two days.


/u/bboomslang on How does Jhoira stax storm compare to Kess/Jeleva Storm?

Most have gone for Future Sight or – as in my case and some smaller group – Mystic Forge to enable Top combo and get a value piece that can make your deck go off quicker. Which one you take is depending on wether you think Top combo or just pure value …


/u/bboomslang on Tymna/Silas Renn?

I am playing Jim’s version of Cameron’s Esoer Bears in Cars list. Kinda fun, but really meta dependent, it is easy to completely fail with it. I got one game close to a win, but then my opponents could stabilize and I just fizzled out over multiple turns and lost. So actually not super high on the list right now in most metas. It is great at annoying opponents, but not great at closing out games.


/u/bboomslang on Is Sceptre Nin a good beginner deck?

I would assume a Scepter Thrasios list would be easier to budget than a Nin deck, because for an Izzet colored deck, you absolutely must have the fast mana rocks to compete, wherease with budget Thrasios, you can lean much more on mana dorks instead. And even Bloom Tender or Noble Hierarch aren’t as bad financially as Mana Crypt or Mox Diamond … (and building up from a budget Thrasios list to the full one is quite straight forward)

If you want to go with UR and Nin, I would think about going a more staxy route to buy time and get her out and survive a turn cycle. But don’t underestimate the problem of getting reliable infinite Izzet mana, that can be a real bummer. And of course, if Nin just speaks to you, just go for it, just keep in mind that she is a bit hampered compared to the top tiers, so you more often will need to prepare your deck for the meta specificially.

I personally would build her with Blood Moon effects, because in a blind meta I would assume hitting many 4C and 5C decks and Blood Moon in those situations will just buy you time there. My thing is Jhoira, WC, and she is just that, a stax machine with combo finish, commander drawing you cards, so I think they could be compareable – so maybe take a look at the primer for Jhoira for additional inspiration.


/u/bboomslang on Why y’all need to shutefuckup about white aka. the more or less unabridged guide to not sucking at white deck building

Hotter take: Artifacts is still strong, even if you play it in a white shell πŸ˜‰


/u/bboomslang on Bring Null Rod to Bologna

It does Nothing

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