
/u/bboomslang on Meta commander

Well, you definitely should check what is played around you, because commander and highlander formats don’t usually have the wide support that other formats have – don’t expect regular events for example, or tournaments. Most EDH is played in groups of people knowing each other or as a side event at FNM. Spending 1500€ into a deck you don’t get to play because there is nothing happening in your area of the world you live would be a bummer.

cEDH follows the same rules and banlist as EDH, but has a totally cut throat mindset. It still is multiplayer, but it is the place of EDH where – after clarifying that you all are set up for cEDH, of course – you don’t have to listen to complaints about comboing off turn 2. EDH – despite following exactly the same rules – is casually oriented and the more formal “kitchen table” magic. So you definitely need to check with a play group what power level they run, because a cEDH deck will be pubstomping people and that means you again don’t get to play your deck, because you won’t be invited back. Casual EDH has something worse than rotation: it has these guys called “other players” that just don’t play with you if your deck isn’t matching their power level expectations, and then your money is just wasted.

Since you talk about €, CanLander probably is out, as that is mostly played in areas of US and Canada, and not many playgroups exist outside that. I know that in Germany – at least where I live – you can find places to play Dual Commander and you can find German Highlander (this one probably mostly because it was invented here 😉 ). Normal EDH is the format most widely spread, but that’s casual EDH, not competetive. For cEDH you have to expect to travel to other cities if you are lucky to even find other competetive players.

And now for something potentially unpopular in this sub: If you really look for a normal competetive constructed format you get a chance to play regularily and have the money to spend, go for Modern or Legacy. There still is ok’ish support for Legacy in game stores and events, even though Wizards is dropping the ball on Legacy quite a bit lately, and it is an eternal format without rotation and a moderately small banlist. And Modern just is thriving and well.

Reason for my suggestion: it’s the closest to what you are used to, it’s unencumbered by “casual politics” and if you have 1500€, you can definitely buy into a solid deck choice. Modern decks are usually around 1K€, so you should be golden there, Legacy decks are a bit higher, but you can start with decks that can be budgeted in the land base and work up from there.

Especially cEDH is far from cheap, my cEDH decks are alll way above 1k€ and the better ones easily can go above 3k€, because you often go 4 or 5 colors and the land base with duals and stuff eats up your budget. And even if you go for mono colored decks there, the fast mana and efficient counterspells eat tons of your budget, too. But all that is moot anyway if you don’t have a place to play it.


/u/bboomslang on Meta commander

Since you say “Dual Commander” – what kind of commander format are you targeting? Normal EDH is multiplayer and those decks (and the banlist) are really not targeted for 1v1. For 1v1 there are different highlander-like formats, the now mostly defunct MTGO 1v1 commander, the “french” Dual Commander and Canadian Highlander (not a commander format, but a highlander 1v1 format) and German Highlander (same as with CanLander not Commander, but 100 card singleton) and all of them run different banlists and have differences in rules.

Additionally, if you target normal EDH, as LiptonSuperior correctly said, don’t bring cEDH decks if your play group is playing casually. Especially with normal EDH, there are whole sub-cultures around powerlevels, so it’s best to look what others are playing and have something that fits right in. The 1v1 formats are totally fine bringing the most cutthroat stuff, but cEDH decks for EDH usually run cards that are banned in 1v1 formats, so again, not a good starting point.

With normal EDH you should have good chances to find playgroups to play with, but the more cut throat level of EDH and the 1v1 formats often are very locally organized, so it makes sense to first check what formats are actually played around you.


/u/bboomslang on Wizards Of The Coast Confirms That Chandra Is Bisexual, but Only On Thursdays

Yep, that one. Where you can‘t even make your shitty deck better, but just can swap it out for another shitty deck. Draft chaff tribal forever.


/u/bboomslang on Birthing Boughs seems like a card that wins games…

yeah, reaper king for sure loves it. 4 mana to destroy a permanent and get a little duder? Count me in! It also is ok in what I call “clunky tribal” where you don’t have enough ways to reliably trigger your tribal effects with primary cards directly, be it that you run an undersuported tribe, or that your tribe just kicking in late game (Dragons or Demons). Changelings can help to fill the hole there. Also it is good as a mana dump in decks that need to ramp up for the main plan, but then often end up with left-over mana, because after a given point the more mana doesn’t really grant you more (Demons, Sea Monsters) without giving you good mana sinks themselves (like dragon with their typical activated abilities).

It is a nice support card, but definitely not game winning outside hard build-around decks (tribal combo comes to mind, if you can do an untap loop with this with unbound mana and tribal synergy, it can definitely turn into part of a wincon).


/u/bboomslang on Storm players of EDH, what was your favorite combo kill you’ve managed to pull off?

I got one time a draw storm kill with Niv-Mizzet, Consecreated Sphinx and Diminishing Returns, copying it enough times to draw out and trigger a LabMan win. Was like 15 minutes Durdletown for the win, constantly calculating mana to see how far I can get (it was back when Paradox Engine still was legal, so casting got me additional mana, but I wasn’t going infinit, so had to mix draw and wheel spells to get to my goal). Fun times. For me.


/u/bboomslang on How to Build a 5-Color Mana Base?

Well, that is what I do 😉 – usually I run basics of my core interaction colors. Like Golos, my removal is in Esper, it can handle Blood Moon, so I want those as basics to make sure I can still function under a blood moon or back to basics. The purely …


/u/bboomslang on How to Build a 5-Color Mana Base?

You look at the Distribution of colored pips – most 5c lists are actually 3 or 4c lists with splashes. For example my Golos Hulk list is Esper centered with a heavy green and only very small red splash. So no RG Duals or shocks and the fetches are cent…


/u/bboomslang on [MYB] You’re in Command

But Mulldrifter is mono-u and the spell is white, so making Mulldrifter your Commander instantly makes your Deck illegal and you are DQed 😉


/u/bboomslang on Should the Mystery Booster Playtest cards be legal in EDH?

I want to play that in my Niv deck. Please tell me it is UR. 🙂


/u/bboomslang on Gavin: "Get ready, Commander players. This is big. Really big."

Oversized reprints of commander staples that you can only use as coasters. It’s big!


/u/bboomslang on Elsha of the Infinite — alternatives to artifact storm?

My Elsha runs Helm combo – [[Helm of the Host]] on either [[Godo, Bandit Warlord]] or [[Aurelia, the War Leader]]. So I went with an equipment deck, running all the Jeskai tutors for equipments, including some nice equipments that can go on everybody f…


/u/bboomslang on What is the most valuable/expensive card currently in your collection that is NOT on the reserved list?

My Harper Promo Mana Crypt. But I would be more happy if it wasn‘t that expensive, because I would like more of them in other decks, too. But due to price, only my competitive decks get the treatment.


/u/bboomslang on Infinite Hulk recursion: the "Cauldron Familiar" pile

Flash-Rector into Omniscience is a Value Play, isn‘t it? <tries to look innocent>


/u/bboomslang on What EDH pet theme have you tried and tried again to build but keep coming up short?

Helm of the Host is a neat addition from a while ago, because we now have two solid infinite combat combos.

that’s the key to my deck: it is trying to assemble the Godo+Helm or Aurelia+Helm combo. Balan doesn’t combo.


/u/bboomslang on What EDH pet theme have you tried and tried again to build but keep coming up short?

Well, [[Puresteel Paladin]] , [[Brass Squire]] and [[Auriok Windwalker]] give me that, too, allthough the Squire and the Windwalker sadly need to tap to do it. And [[Hammer of Nazahn]] does it even better. Balan has the problem, that he is greedy and g…


/u/bboomslang on What EDH pet theme have you tried and tried again to build but keep coming up short?

Nah, that would be Knight Tribal, not Equipment Wins. As said, I go for infinite combat combo, so Godo+Helm or Aurelia+Helm or Sword of FaF+Aggravated Assault. I really want to keep my sunforger package able to counter stuff, which requires blue. So it’s Kykar for now, or maybe Elsha – no mana accellaration from her, but card advantage from the top of your library, and more reactive play for equipment might make it worthwhile, allthough equip is hard to get instant speed reliably. So I am not that sure I actually would profit from her enough to make it worth to go up one mana in cost and lose the accellaration.

Another thing that Mardu loses, aside from counterspells for Sunforger, would be all the great artifact tutors in blue. Sure, white has it’s set of tutors, too, but Whirr of Invention and Reshape are just too good, as is Tezzeret the Seeker (he can give mana or tutor equipment, whatever is needed). Even if I don’t go for Helm all the time, Argentum Armor is something we like to find, too, and throwing it on a spirit can be fun, too 😉

I just feel that Mardu is inferior to Jeskai when it comes to artifact based themes.


/u/bboomslang on What EDH pet theme have you tried and tried again to build but keep coming up short?

[[Sunforger]] is so much more fun if it can also tutor up draw spells or counterspells, though – that’s why I love me some blue in my lists. UR and UW have so much fun instant speed stuff to sunforger up. [[Vanish into memory]] can be so spicy.


/u/bboomslang on What EDH pet theme have you tried and tried again to build but keep coming up short?

Equipment matters – I tried it a few times, but always it turned into bad voltron. The equip cost needs mana, but removal from opponents nullifies that. So you need more mana, keeping protection up. Add to that you are usually in some sans-green deck, …


/u/bboomslang on How would you "fix" your pet commander?

She doesn‘t really NEED fixing, but man would I love if Jhoira WC had Jeskai colors. Adding some taxing or Stax elements from white would make her so much better. Elsha comes very close, but that one Mana more in her costs is painful. Essentially I jus…


/u/bboomslang on Casual EDH for a cEDH player

I forfeit tutors completely and replace with digging power or draw power – that way the results are less of a given, but will still show up. You just need to up the count of Wincons, as you can‘t go straight for a single one. So in green you use all th…


/u/bboomslang on Does Nicol Bolas, God Pharaoh have any sorceries attached to him?

Oh man, if they only made them worded as „search a Bolas Planeswalker“ instead of the explicit names.


/u/bboomslang on What dollar value card would you NOT want to risk shuffling in your deck?

I recently brought my full power Jhoira WC Deck and lend it out to one of our Pod. He was —very— careful 😉 – but no, no limit for me. If I had a Timetwister, it would be in that deck, price be damned. I usually buy beaten upwards when it comes to very…


/u/bboomslang on Golos, Tireless Pilgrim There is not just a list, there also is a primer. Golos is a good way to consume infinit WUBRG, and there are multiple ways to get that with Hulk Piles and you are in five colors, so,all the hate…


/u/bboomslang on Which new cards from ELD are good enough to fit in Urza?

Carpet counts islands, not basic islands. This is an island … (or where you talking about this under a blood moon?)


/u/bboomslang on Who else has/had these Rook Steel Storage boxes?

Well, they want 17$ postage to Germany, so no, not really 😉 (they show up on German eBay, too). Way back I could get them from Amazon, but not anymore for some years now.


/u/bboomslang on Who else has/had these Rook Steel Storage boxes?

I only ever got one of them, a bit sad about that, because I love them for double sleeved oathbreaker decks or single sleeved 75. But I can‘t find them anywhere anymore.


/u/bboomslang on Which new cards from ELD are good enough to fit in Urza?

Well, we are in cedh here and we should know about Blood Moon and especially Back to Basics, making our „strictly better“ islands very sad cards. If your deck needs time against fast combo, you go Stax and if you face greedy Hulk Combo lists, you go Ba…

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