[[MirranSpy]] goes infinite with Emry and free artifacts, but it is debatable wether it is a good combo
Category: Syndicated
/u/bboomslang on I’m on a quest to find a janky/silly deck that I actually enjoy.
You could look into Grenzo, Dungeon Warden. I want with this list: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/grenzo-dungeon-warden-the-slot-machine-of-value-1/?cb=1547241190 It is tons of fun, because you have random elements, but also a lot of real game plan, h…
/u/bboomslang on [SPOILER] [ELD] FAEBURROW ELDER
Essentially another Bloom Tender, just one more mana in the cost and more complex color requirements. Could still be interesting, at least in singleton formats.
/u/bboomslang on Grenzo, dungeon warden combo finishers
And there is a primer for it: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/grenzo-ft-dj-doomsday-competitive-primer/
/u/bboomslang on What was the first MtG product you ever purchased?
Ajani vs Bolas Duel Deck. Ever since I am a Grixis man.
/u/bboomslang on Anyone not a fan of "go-infinites"?
Exactly. Most of what combo players do is not building a board state – we usually have the worst board state at the table. What we build up is our hand – we need essentials in our hand to be able to Combo off, so that is what we are doing. We don’t jus…
/u/bboomslang on How important is the Gear to you for your corresponding commander deck? and how to find it?
Usually I only go for matching basic lands and sometimes specific arts of cards and sleeves in a matching color. But for my high end decks – Jhoira WC and Teferi – I went for matching boxes, too. But that was more because there are matching boxes for t…
/u/bboomslang on "My deck is not cEDH. It’s just optimized."
Golos is played as 5c Hulk – the advantage over Thrasios and Tymna is getting red for more efficient Hulk Piles. Usually you win by hulking into Bomberman (Auriok Salvager and Goblin Engineer, fetching Lion‘s Eye Diamond), then using Golos as your outl…
/u/bboomslang on [The Spike Feeders] A $25 Love Letter to Commander’s Quarters (part 1) | The Spike Feeders Commander Gameplay | S4E1
I love your channel and you guys even more for this. Showing that spiky cEDH players can enjoy totally budget is great, but going for CQ decks is just golden. Mitch deserves every shout-out, as you guys deserve!
/u/bboomslang on [ELD] Midnight Clock
Yep, could totally see this in a Niv-Mizzet or Locust God deck in a casual setting. A bit durdly and cute, but looks fun.
/u/bboomslang on Help me build a semi-competitive Tasigur deck
It is a solid big value Spell, either giving you what you need to refill or rebuild, or helping you to shape your GY for future Tasigur activations.
/u/bboomslang on Help me build a semi-competitive Tasigur deck
Hate is such a strong word – but yes, I am quite sure it would be able to handle Golos. And Yarok, who of course is the real Enemy.
/u/bboomslang on Help me build a semi-competitive Tasigur deck
That deck – I think I know that deck (and the others listed on that account ).
For me the Seasons Past lists from LabManiac Cameron is sweet, because it is very reactive and I think could easily be tailored to be without infinites – the main shell is just a really solid control shell. I mean, throw out IsoRev and some of the super high price stuff (or keep that in as proxies) and go for a [[Villaneaous Wealth]] WinCon by killing the table with opponents wincons from their libraries?
Or take Cameron’s own advice and switch to [[Palinchron]] and [[Phantasmal Image]] (or do as I did in my Muldrotha and go for [[Vorinclex]]).
Even non-infinite Vorinclex can power big Wealth casts and Tasigurs builtin recursion as well as the selective recursion spells in the list can help to cast that one multiple times, even through incidental graveyard hate (not that well through leylines or RIPs, but hey, green can take care of that easily).
/u/bboomslang on What’s the Best 5 Color Mana Base with no budget?
for Slivers you also want Cavern of Souls, Sliver Hive and Path of Ancestry I think, because good solid 5C lands for creature tribal.
/u/bboomslang on Are there any BANT commanders outside of Derevi? Even something that approaches fringe?
There is an Estrid Chain Veil list floating around that is at least fringe viable, I think. Essentially trying the same as Teferi, just worse, but with more colors.
/u/bboomslang on Fun cards no one is playing with C19 commanders
It is a bit of a sleeper card that needs the right shell, but Anje definitely could be that shell. Or Gerald. I love it in my Pauper Tortured Existence Toolbox Deck, even though it usually doesn‘t win – it would need a second card with the same or simi…
/u/bboomslang on Arcane Signet banned?
It is not legal because it is not yet released – it is coming with Eldraine in autumn. Essentially it is banned because it doesn‘t yet exist
/u/bboomslang on What’s your infinite number?
In good old Dr. Evil Fashion it is „one million“, of course.
/u/bboomslang on Golos: You Were Narset the Whole Time!
Well, my Golos isn’t a “cast goodstuff from the top of your library”, but isn’t “Maze’s End” either. It’s strictly combo and I think that is where he shines – early game he fixes your mana or grabs tool lands, mid game he can be used for value casting off the top of your library with the cards you play anyway, but where he shines is when you assemble an infinite that makes WUBRG – then he just plain wins the game. That’s what my build is doing, assembling either Bomberman ([[Auriok Salvager]] and [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]) or [[Grand Architect]] and [[Pili-Pala]] and going from there. The rest ist protecting my combos with silence effects and counter spells.
The thing I like about him the most is that he can be cast very easy, but still provides the full WUBRG spectrum of cards to choose from. My build is Esper Artifact centered, because that’s how it started out, using G and R only for splashes. So you can use him as a very good build-around WUBRG commander that can take many different directions, but is guaranteed to be online easily, with much easier mana base requirements than other WUBRG commanders. I mean, if you go budget, just slap in a [[Cascading Cataracts]] that he fetches ETB and that way prepares WUBRG next turn easily.
/u/bboomslang on What old cards have you found with a unique effect?
[[Drafna’s Restauration]] for artifact storm decks. It is really bonkers, you can rearrange your next draws for just one mana. This in a Jhoira WC deck can do crazy stuff, you almost long for your opponents to vandalblast you, just so you can play this little gem.
/u/bboomslang on Phyrexian Revoker vs. Pithing Needle/Spyglass
Revoker only hits non-land cards but all abilities. Pithing needle only hits non-mana abilities but all card types.
/u/bboomslang on Phyrexian Revoker vs. Pithing Needle/Spyglass
You can do creature shenanigans easily with Revoker, and Revoker can switch off mana abilities of mana dorks or artifacts, but can’t affect lands (like fetch lands or strip mines). Pithing needle can impact lands, but can’t stop mana abilities. Pithing needle can be found from some cheap tutor effects like Trinket Mage or Artificers Intuition, no idea if that actually is any relevant in Modern. It is in EDH. And well, Phyrexian Revoker is a blocker, if needed, and can attack into planeswalkers, which might have become more relevant with WAR.
/u/bboomslang on This ruling for Feaster of Fools
My guess it is about the funny quip at the end. I like how those sneak in every now and then.
/u/bboomslang on What will you use C19 for?
My meta is weird, not many artifacts out in games most of the time. Land Ramp, Mana Dirks, but almost none Mana rocks, so he would come in without a big effect. Sadly, because I love the idea of the extortionist. But that is why I also don‘t run Treasu…
/u/bboomslang on What will you use C19 for?
I like that this years precondition look like they have a good and solid build. Sure, the Landmasse suck, but they always do. I preordered the Sultai one and the Jeskai one. I plan to at least try and keep them in their primary direction, just tuning t…
/u/bboomslang on What will you use C19 for?
Yeah, K‘rrik should be great in more black leaning Grenzo lists, playing stuff that got stuck in your hand the „normal“ way. Mine is a bit more red, though, as I lean more into Goblins, so not yet sure if he will work. But definitely one of the singles…
/u/bboomslang on Which C19 deck will you be getting and why?
Elsha the Infinite. Future Sight in your command zone is just amazing and half a combo with sensei‘s divining Top. Adding Flash onto the casting makes it even more absurd. Oh, yeah, and replace the box face commander by Kykar. Elsha and Kykar just want…
/u/bboomslang on Which C19 deck will you be getting and why?
I preordered the Sultai and the Jeskai one, because both look like they could be turned into solid little casual decks I can keep around for lower power level groups. Both have some cards that don’t really synergize that much, but they can easily be switched out for other cards more in sync with the game plan. Probably over time I will start to break the Jeskai one, because that one looks most likely to be breakable, and will probably keep the Sultai one around as face down tribal.
/u/bboomslang on Dies To Removal 15 – Why Magic: The Gathering Formats Fail! Tiny Leaders, Frontier, and Brawl
This! It is as close to Legacy Singleton Multiplayer as you can get. And it has hilarious broken options. And the small life total you start with makes aggro viable and combo acceptable, because aggro really can take you out before you combo off. Still…